Here is a transcript generated by of the The Content Mix podcast interview with Santiago Garcia Solimei, on the digital transformation and post-lockdown strategies of Meliá Hotels International:
Carlota Pico 0:13
Hi everyone and welcome back to The Content Mix. I’m Carlota Pico your host for today’s show, and I’m excited to introduce Santiago Garcia Solimei, who is global director of social media for Meliá Hotels International, and also keynote speaker and professor. Welcome, Santiago, and thank you so much for joining us today on The Content Mix.
Santiago Garcia Solimei 0:37
Hi, Carlota, it’s a real pleasure. Hi, everyone. Really glad to be joining you here today.
Carlota Pico 0:44
The pleasure’s ours, Santiago. I’m actually a really big fan of the Meliá group, so I can’t wait to pick your brain on what you’re doing across your social media channels. But to get this interview started off, I’d like to learn a little bit about your background experience. How did you get to where you are today?
Santiago Garcia Solimei 1:00
Well, it’s been a long ride and an interesting one, I actually started off my career as a consultant on the technology field. And from there, well…I was studied in college in in Argentina and from there I moved to Australia, right after I finished my business degree and lived for 10 years over there. So worked in technology and software, with companies like Microsoft and Sage then decided to move on the marketing and communication field, which was something that always interested me. I have worked in China, I’ve worked in Scotland, I’ve worked in the UK, I’ve worked in Costa Rica. And about 11 years ago, I moved to move to Spain, and I continued on the marketing field but on the tourism industry, which was a very interesting transition from the technology field into the tourism field. Yeah, and then since 2016 I took on the role of global director of social media so I moved onto social, which, interestingly mixes a little bit of both the technology and the marketing and communications field. So it’s kind of you know, when you join the dots, you realize, hey, this was a great path for me.
Carlota Pico 2:19
Yeah, no, definitely sounds very exciting. So what was it like? What was the transition from the technology sector into the hotel industry like?
Santiago Garcia Solimei 2:29
It was very interesting because I’ve been a heavy user of hotels. I’ve always traveled a lot. So arriving into the tourism industry with a fair a fresh pair of eyes and experience from a user was very interesting. Some of my initial comments when I did—I had to do a lot of the operations training coming from another industry. So I thought I came with a very different perspective, and very much the the opinion from a user that have, you know, traveled in many countries, mostly for business, but, you know, I saw a lot of the hotels experiences were very plain. So I think I’ve brought in a lot of interesting ideas that that my colleagues appreciated. And honestly, from, from a content perspective, it’s a, it’s a lot more interesting, a lot more fun. The business of hotels, you know, it’s the business of selling dreams and experiences, and software, it’s all very much—there’s a lot more control and you know, how you communicate, what you can say—it’s a lot more technical. So it’s a lot more fun working in tourism, but I think a lot of the experience that I’ve gained from software industrial are also very useful. But definitely, it’s a fun, very dynamic environment and, yeah, it’s been an interesting ride.
Carlota Pico 3:51
Okay, well, let’s look back on the last 12 years. Gary Vee actually said that it’s more important to hire new talent according to the qualities that they can offer versus the skills that they can offer to a new job, because you can learn new skills, right? You can educate yourself on new tools. But qualities—you really get quality through your experiences and qualities are things that you’re born with. So let’s say you had to hire somebody for your role, what type of qualities would you look for in that person?
Santiago Garcia Solimei 4:22
I think what’s very important to me, it’s adaptability—the ability to always adapt to a changing reality. I mean, if you look at the world today, you really need to find people that have skills that can be easily cross-transferred into different disciplines. It’s very different to work in China and to work in western countries. So you really need… I definitely look for I mean, as you’ve said, for solid qualities in terms of you know, resilience, adaptability, learning to change constantly, curiosity. I definitely think that people that have high level of curiosity are the type of profiles that I tend to work with. And, also multi generational, I actually have a team that spans across different generations and that’s also a very interesting mix. Because I believe everyone should adapt to the behaviors of the different generations, and you should sort of, you know, be able to liaise with with very different people and very different industries. So those are the most the most important skills I look for.
Carlota Pico 5:32
From a marketing perspective, that completely makes sense as well, because you’re communicating with an audience that probably it ranges from five year olds all the way up to 90 year olds. So in order to be able to talk to them and talk with them, it’s much easier to have somebody on your team that is also part of the same generation and can relate to that particular audience.
Santiago Garcia Solimei 5:55
Totally, totally agree. We do have some projects, our TikTok Channel, for example, this is a typical Z Generation project, and actually, it’s being led by a Z Generation person. So the the approach we’ve taken on the whole project is, you know, new generation strategies driven by new generations. Because I think these are the people who are more native in this type of environment. And these are the right profiles to have developing this type of product. And then, you know, when you look at our, for example, our Facebook presence, we have 60 year olds that are on Facebook that see life in a different way. And you sort of need to approach them a little more traditionally. And then you have kids, you know, kids on Snapchat or kids on TikTok, that are the ones that are going to be the main decision makers in terms of where they’re going to go on holidays because they’re going to convince their parents to go to our hotels or to go to compete competition hotels, and their parents obviously are going to listen very carefully to the kids. So you are talking to various generations and it’s no longer a “one message fit all” situation, but now it’s, you know, you have messages by channel, messages addressing different generations, and also change that that’s happening in society and through social media, we see that…we see a bit of a revolution in terms of behaviors, both internally in the collaborators of organization and externally in our clients. So it’s a very interesting time, I think, to be working on marketing and communication. And you need to have an open mind and out of the box approach, which is definitely what I look for, in someone. I love doing interviews and challenging people, challenging the their way of thinking and making them think creatively, you know. I think that’s, that’s very important today.
Carlota Pico 7:47
Definitely. So Santiago, as a man who wears many hats—because you’re a keynote speaker, you’re a professor, you’re also a global director—talk to me about what your day to day looks like.
Santiago Garcia Solimei 7:58
Well now it’s a different day to day then what—I mean, normally outside of the of the current situation—my day today, I start my days talking to China and to Asia Pacific. Then I move on to the European time and I talk to the the teams that are based, you know, anything from Middle East, Dubai, Qatar, south of Africa, Europe. And then as the day progresses on, I start talking to the colleagues in the Americas, in the Caribbean, in South America. So it’s a very dynamic sort of day—you require a lot of a lot of global knowledge. I talk to, I manage around 15 agencies, from Shanghai to Mexico City. So it’s a very global agenda, but also with the attention of detail to local matters that you need to have. So the day is very dynamic, and nowadays, it’s all through, you know, Zoom and online conferences. Normally I spend a lot of time at airports and on planes and, you know, discussing with the teams in the various locations their strategy, so… Now my days, there’s a lot less travel involved which in a way is weird—it feels weird because normally I’m on the go all the time and I’m visiting hotels and properties, and I love you know, living…I think hotels have a very special energy around them and I sort of miss that interaction, that human interaction, no? Now it’s all it feels like a science fiction movie to be honest. But it’s what makes my job very interesting to have this global perspective and to talk to different cultures and different people, which I love, no?
Carlota Pico 9:43
Yeah, definitely. So do you have any tips on managing remote teams? Because if you’re managing remote agencies and also teams all around the world, you must have picked up on a few valuable tips.
Santiago Garcia Solimei 9:56
Listen, the best tip I can give you is keep your online meetings to a maximum of half an hour. Because anything that spends over half an hour is when you sort of lose attention.Try to minimize the number of meetings that you have, come with a set agenda, go straight to the point and have follow ups, have follow up documents, because otherwise you can lose track of things. And be very action oriented, no? Because it’s very easy to get lost on details and during so many meetings. But especially probably in the beginning, we we’re having a lot longer meetings, and we even had like a social MPR call for like four hours on Zoom, which was like it’s exhausting—it’s exhausting because you don’t have the human connection. So definitely my tip is that try to have shorter meetings, very, you know, action driven and, you know, keep…try to keep communication with the other team members as much as you can, avoid a lot of email and try to make some phone calls and and that way you can advance quicke, I think, and more effectively, you know.
Carlota Pico 11:12
Okay, excellent. Well, thank you for that advice. Now, if you could do anything in this world, Santiago, would it still be social media?
Santiago Garcia Solimei 11:22
Anything is a powerful word. I mean, I’m a big fan of football. So probably I would be a footballer…
Carlota Pico 11:31
I’m hoping you’re not a Messi lover?
Santiago Garcia Solimei 11:34
Well, I’m Argentinian… So, you know…
Carlota Pico 11:36
Oh no! you’re killing me! I’m from Madrid. So…
Santiago Garcia Solimei 11:40
I think you know, I love football and I love music. So playing in a band or playing football would probably be two things that I love. But I’ve also been in marketing and in communications, I think it’s also one of the, one of the things I would have chosen. So, I’m not disappointed at all by what I do. But you know, you always want what you don’t have. So, anything…if I could be anything, you know, it’d be it’d be a football or rock star. I think it would be pretty cool!
Carlota Pico 12:11
I think that sounds like a really cool plan as well. Okay, Santiago, what about some of your proudest marketing moments? What do those moments look like?
Santiago Garcia Solimei 12:22
I think I always try to go back to the latest achievements, probably the digital transformation we have achieved in a company like Meliá. It’s something to be proud of. And as in social media, I think we’ve played a key role in that transformation. And when I talk about that transformation, it’s not only about you know, systems and processes, but it’s about people. Today, you know, we have 14 different company departments, where there’s like a social media plays a big role. So we have taken social media out of one department in the global brands department where we see it and we have made like, created a social media culture within the company. And this has also changed. I mean, not only us, but we have changed the company to make it a lot more new generation friendly. So if you look at our spaces, the way we work, we have collaborative projects, co-creation projects. There’s a new energy and culture that our company’s living and that makes, you know, younger people to want to come and work with us. And as you know, Millennials and Zs do not care that much about structures, rigid structures. They care about, you know, projects, not as much as you know, salary and benefits as the older generation. So that digital transformation has sort of allowed us to be a kind of a leader. I mean, in Spain, definitely a leader but one of those worldwide references for companies that have transformed its business taking onto traditional-first culture and this has obviously helped us lot through the current times. I mean, our team works remotely and digitally for, you know, five, six years. So it has not been a big shock for us. But I think this changes what makes us proud and to see people, you know, other people are people from other generations taking on social media, giving them tools like a digital ambassador program that we have, and seeing them, you know, gaining new skills and I think it has revitalized the company a lot. And I’m being part of that and I feel having a CEO that speaks on social media all the time, like a social CEO, this is probably a super achievement that maybe 10 years ago we would have felt we were crazy, you know, if we had this dream 10 years ago, and today it’s a reality and it’s very important to have a voice in the tourism industry as a leader and CEO.
Carlota Pico 15:00
How did you convince your CEO to become a social CEO? Because I know that is a challenge for many companies worldwide to get the management team on board when it comes to participating on their social media channels. So what would your advice be there?
Santiago Garcia Solimei 15:12
Yeah, basically we had a session ourselves, and we told him that we felt, I mean, it’s a reality that CEOs are the, you know, are the people in organizations that are the biggest absence in social media are CEOs and everyone is talking about them, and they do not have a space to sort of defend themselves. So I said to him that I mean, I mean I pretty honest, we’ve set a position that a company that wants to be a company that works closer with new generations needs to have its leader at the reach of a click. And basically, we want the team to be a leader in the tourism industry. We’ve obviously shown him examples of other CEOs that are doing very well. This was like three years ago and it was not that common. And today he is recognized as one of the leading tourism voices, and he can have his own, you can talk to him, you can ask him questions, he will reply to the audience. We’ve done a lot of Instagram lives, where people are asking him in real time questions and I think this is a super opportunity. When we did the launch, the CEO of Twitter had a live interview with him and the audience was participating as well. I think this is what social media is about. It’s about opening companies and opening leaders of companies to to the world and to show that at the end of the day, he’s a human being, like anyone else, and that our company is a lot more you know, closer to matters that matter to audiences. And this is what this big change that new generations have brought in is about. And now he tweets everyday, he writes articles on LinkedIn, and the results are spectacular. I would say it is, clearly it’s one of the best projects we have done and I thought he was going to take it…that it was going to be more difficult than when it was. I mean, when we showed him the project he was very glad to take it on board and to come on board and to take an active role on this thing.
Carlota Pico 17:18
Let’s give him a little shout-out! What’s his name?
Santiago Garcia Solimei 17:21
Gabriel Escarrer.
Carlota Pico 17:23
Okay, well, well done for leading the CEOs into the new social media era. Okay, we spoke about younger generations. Generations Z was born to stream and influence. How are you approaching this new cohort on social, Santiago?
Santiago Garcia Solimei 17:43
Look, this has created for us the the need to change at many levels. We needed to change our product. So we needed to have brands—we have a total of six brands—but we needed to have brands with a closer product to the needs of this generation. So for example, our INNSiDE brand is one of the brands that focuses on Generation Z and millennials with attributes. So let’s say, you go to an INNSiDE hotel. It’s not typical from a product perspective—the layout is completely different. The lobby looks like a restaurant, you kind of distinguish the typical layout from a restaurant, you go to a meeting space, and you’ve got a ping pong table to play table tennis, and you’ve got setups for meetings that is completely different than what we know. We place a lot of importance in the experiential part of the travel. So from changing our product, changing our methodology, changing our communication, we have taken a, I would say, a revolution inside of the company to cater for the revolution that that is happening outside of the company. And another example: we’re opening our TikTok profiles and our TikTok strategy entirely driven by millennials with the help of the World Tourism Organization, who organized a student league, so we called for universities around the world to work on our TikTok strategy, and they are the ones driving this. So it’s a co-creation project. So all of these, it’s because there’s a new paradigm in society, which is, you know, you need to be relevant, you need to be working with these new generations, you need to care about social responsibility, local culture, you need to do good to the environment, and all of this is very important to be integrated with the DNA of our company, which at the end of the day is to provide experience. So I mean, I would say that if you look at our company today and compare it to 10 years ago, it’s complete, our hotels, it’s completely for an experience. I mean, considering that every person now coming to work, after university now, is probably a millennial or a Gen Z. For me, it’s incredibly important to have this new culture to attract this talent, otherwise this talent are going to go to to other companies that sort of speak their own their own language. So for us, this shows that if our number one leader, our CEO, is taking on board this change, then it’s a very powerful message to the rest of the organizations, you know. The world has changed, and we need to embrace this change. And I think we need to adopt the best of each generation and become more complete people. But there are various changes across all levels of the organization. But it’s a very interesting time, as I said.
Carlota Pico 20:38
Yeah, speaking of changes, let’s talk a little bit about COVID-19, the biggest change that we’ve all faced to date. So pre-COVID-19, your content evoked the desire to travel, to experience your hotels, but what does your content look like now since COVID-19, and since lockdowns all around the world?
Santiago Garcia Solimei 20:58
Well, I guess now we are at the phase of the comeback. So we are still trying to attract people to come to our hotels and to experience with this “new normality” scenario is about. But during the pandemic, we had to scrap all of our content plans for all of our brands. So it was a huge—all of our strategy for the year had to be put on hold or discarded and we had to create new content. We took the decision as a company to be present at this very disruptive and difficult time. Some companies decided to obviously, keep quiet and say nothing but we thought our social media profiles and all of our channels, we wanted that to be vehicles to express our company opinion, to help the community. So what we’ve done was we decided to start basically looking after our obvious collaborators that are our guests by enabling the social media channels as channels for people to talk to us about changing the reservations, making changes to their destinations or even canceling their trips. Then we decided to, we created a project where we donated 20,000 room nights to nurses and doctors and people that were in the front line fighting these these efforts. So we’ve given them, we created this solidarity project, which we then extended to security forces. So we basically never stopped communicating on our channels. But obviously we changed completely the perspective of our communication. We also entertained and wanting to give useful tips for example to families. We have family concierges in some of our resorts, and we took them on giving advice to families that were in confinement with with young kids and they were showing, you know, how to do activities. We had yoga classes, we had pilates, we had a cocktail session. So we felt we had a lot to do in helping audiences that were also consuming digital media more than ever before. And our volumes on the consumption of social media have come to the roof, no? And now, since the sort of the end, the end of the of the hardest confinement period, we worked on a “comeback campaign” driven by a lot of influencers, where we’ve shown that Meliá developed its own safety protocol called “Stay Safe With Meliá” with an organization called Bureau Veritas, which is a global organization that endorsed and certified our protocols, and we wanted to showcase how safe it was to come to our hotels. I mean, the protocols are so extensive that some of our influencers were saying, “Hey, I feel safe. You feel safer in your hotels than at home!” So it was all about giving awareness to this comeback campaign, which we’re we’re still doing.
Carlota Pico 23:51
Okay. So, you use your social media tools to educate your audience and to also empathize with your audience.
Santiago Garcia Solimei 24:00
Totally, totally. I mean, first we we wanted to hold hands with our audience because social media is all about a community and you need to be of use to this community. And if this community needs to contact hotels, rather than going through a call center and waiting for longer times, they could you know, message our social media channels where we would establish a protocol to reply immediately to all those messages we’ve received. We want it to inspire them, we want it to give them tips, we wanted to be of use to the community. And also to reward people that were in such a difficult situation, as I said, on the frontline, you know, nurses, doctors—all these people—I think we thought they deserved our recognition as a tourism company. We’ve also had a number of hotels that were medicalized and were transformed into kind of hospitals which and that we decided to also showcase and show that experience firsthand by the GMs and that was very powerful. It’s been incredibly powerful. And this has allowed us to—we did a study with Google and pretty much our brand awareness on digital channels have doubled during the pandemic in comparison to a competitor. So for us, it was important to have the Meliá and its brands on the top of mind of the consumer, no? And to see you know, thank you messages from doctors and nurses that are enjoying a well deserved break at our hotels, courtesy of us, as a way of appreciating what they’ve done. I think it’s powerful and the way we show it in social media has also created a lot of traction to the audience and it has given them interesting content.
Carlota Pico 25:40
Well, I’ve always loved the Meliá brand, but now you make me love it so much more. Congratulations on all your efforts and all the initiatives that Meliá alleged during COVID-19! Okay, as a social media expert, how do you drive organic traffic to a channel that doesn’t have a lot of followers. Do you have any tips—and obviously like for a company that doesn’t have a very big budget either?
Santiago Garcia Solimei 26:06
Look, it’s difficult. Nowadays when you say the word “organic”…now we are all. I mean, I like to say we’re all slaves of the social media algorithms. And these are the rules, the rules of engagement. Social media is now an activity that requires an investment. Organically, for example, on Facebook, less than 1% of your audience will see your content if you do that organically. So if you have a very small follower base, what I would say is you need to invest. First of all, I would say you need to invest in a professional to understand how social media works. And then you need to invest in top content. You need to really have amazing content and find a way for that content to go viral. Otherwise, without investment, not many people are going to see that content. I always say it’s all about creativityl originality, using, and then also going step by step— not trying to do too many things at a time—but maybe putting a priority and say, look, I want to develop Facebook, and just focus on Facebook, understand who are the users of Facebook, how it works, how the algorithm impacts what you do. And then once you finish with Facebook, move to the next one. Some companies that are small—I know these from my, my duties as a marketing professor—some companies try to focus on too many things at the same time. So eventually, you’re doing everything, but you’re been nothing, so you have no impact. So to me, that’s the advice. Always look for content. I always take the approach that it’s all about a community. And a community will only grow when you have something interesting to give to this community. And this community feeds each other as well. So it’s social media, it’s all about that. A lot of people take in what is a pure marketing sales channel and that doesn’t really work. Imagine when you watch television, if all you would see on television were ads, no one’s gonna watch that. So if you do too much of that, your audience will start dropping and they will, it’s very easy to click on a button and like and then go to the next competitor and then stay there. You really need to give something to the audience and you need to inspire them, you need to give them experiences, you need to give them benefits. And they are your friends, you know?
Carlota Pico 28:28
Yeah, okay. But it’s also easier said than done, like being creative is easier said than actually being creative in itself, right? So could you talk to me about some of your most creative campaigns or projects that you’ve liked to date?
Santiago Garcia Solimei 28:46
I mean, I think we’ve we’ve done quite a lot of them, but I can’t…I mean…I suppose engaging our CEO on social was was something very important for us. If you look at our “Stay Safe With Meliá” campaign working with influencers and letting them have the weight of the amplification was also something very creative. We were very lucky to have Chiara Ferragni, probably one of the biggest influencers, at our hotel in Rome right in them the worst time of the pandemic. She felt very safe there. She went to the hotel and she showcased that. So, enabling having a strategy to work with influencers I think was was good and was probably one of the big successes of our comeback campaign. But you can do many things I mean, engaging on TikTok, attracting new generations, creating social-first content. These are the things you should be doing. I mean sometimes it’s about showing your collaborators, your employees, firsthand. I mean, you need Instagram, you need them to, do a live. It’s very easy to produce. And to showcase activities digitally was also something very creative. I think at the end of the day, what you need to do is you create content and you go down a path, and then you test and you see how the audience reacts to that. And being sort of very straightforward and honest and transparent—I think it’s also a good, a good strategy. Obviously, if you’re not very creative, and you don’t have something interesting to show, it makes it a lot harder. But, you know, it’s, it’s all about transparency, I would say.
Carlota Pico 30:29
Okay, Santiago. Well, I could talk with you all day long. But unfortunately, our time is limited. So we are going to move into the last section of today’s interview, which are basically your recommendations for audience. To get this section start off, I’d like to ask you about your source of inspiration—so an influencer or a professional role model that you admire?
Santiago Garcia Solimei 30:50
I would have to say, Barack Obama, the ex United States President, because I think I mean, you know, he’s inspirational to me, the way he conducts himself, the message that he spreads, the message of, you know, peace, agreement, understanding. I think he’s very much a leader that I’m missing and that I’m needing—we are all needing—at this time! The other source of inspiration to me was Steve Jobs. I think what he’s done is remarkable in terms of technology and change. And so those those would be my two leaders that I admire. And from, I mean, from influencers there’s a lot. My message is anyone can—everyone is an influencer. You just have an area of influence that maybe is smaller or bigger, but anyone can be an influencer. You just need to be true to yourself and have some some purpose. And keep in mind, you know, what audiences want and go for it.
Carlota Pico 31:55
Yeah. Well, to spin off of your favorite influencer, Barack Obama, “Yes, We Can!” survive COVID-19!
Santiago Garcia Solimei 32:06
Yes, we can. Yeah.
Carlota Pico 32:07
Okay. Well, Santiago, what about a book a publication a group and an event or a community that you’d like to recommend to our audience?
Santiago Garcia Solimei 32:18
I like to recommend, there’s a there’s a colleague called Andy Stalman, and he’s based in Madrid—also from Argentina—and he writes very interesting books about about marketing. His latest book is called “Totem,” which I recommend. I don’t know him—I don’t know him personally—but it’s one of the latest books that I’ve read about marketing. It’s a very interesting and development of the fundamental change that is happening between brands and consumers. That’s probably what comes in mind to recommend. I think using this time to read books is so wonderful. Yeah.
Carlota Pico 33:00
Definitely okay, and to finish up this interview, and as a technology connoisseur, what’s your favorite app at the moment? And why?
Santiago Garcia Solimei 33:09
Look, lately I’m all about TikTok. I would say it’s the app of 2020. Basically, I’m trying to understand it. So I’m not part of that generation, obviously, but what I’m actually seeing is, I’m seeing so much creativity and, you know, understanding the power of TikTok. With all the controversy that its surrounding it, I think it’s a very interesting app, and it’s a very interesting take on what the new world looks like. So anyone—and in the beginning, it’s very confronting, as you don’t see the use its true power—but I would say my, I mean, two of my favorite apps are, I would say TikTok, and WeChat at the moment. I think the future of social media is the western countries is very much linked to what you can do. Currently with WeChat you need to be in China to realize its full potential, but basically, social media will be interactive with your digital wallet. So you will be able to, you know, your shopping on social media, do your transactions, buy products, and more and more social media will be a vehicle to integrate into our lives as a communication tool, and a website, a travel agency. So I think that’s what the future stands for. And now with with 5G coming soon, probably you know, pretty much we are going to be closer to a to a new year in virtual meetings, you know, virtual transportation, augmented reality, virtual reality. I think it’s very exciting what’s coming. It’s a little bit scary, but it’s very exciting. So that that would be my take on guessing what the future looks like.
Carlota Pico 35:00
Well so many hot topics, Santiago, we’re going to have to have another interview just about those topics, because TikTok, WeChat, 5G I mean, we could have, we could talk for another hour about that alone.
Santiago Garcia Solimei 35:11
Yeah, indeed, indeed. No, look, I think, as I always say, I think there’s…everything is related to the human connection and everything is related to how we are as humans. Technology, all it’s doing, is enabling us to things with we’ve never dreamed. But you know, to be able to use technology for a good cause and for connecting people and you know, for the benefit of businesses in an effective manner, I think it’s the key, you know? With its, you know, with its negative things as well, like, you know, the the data protection and all of that, and, but I think at the end of the day, we are human creatures, we love to connect, we love to interact and to have technology to do it more effectively. That’s why I’m a true believer of the…what social media stands for, which at the end of the day is to have a huge community and to be all connected and to share common things and to benefit, no?
Carlota Pico 36:13
Santiago Garcia Solimei 36:14
It’s an interesting time.
Carlota Pico 36:15
Yeah, definitely. Okay. Well, Santiago, thank you so much for joining us on The Content Mix today. It was a pleasure to meet you and to pick your brain on so many different subjects.
Santiago Garcia Solimei 36:25
Thanks. Thanks so much, Carlota. And thanks too much to the audience. It’s been great. Good fun.
Carlota Pico 36:30
Thanks. And to everybody listening in today, thank you for joining us on The Content Mix. For more perspectives on the content marketing industry in Europe, check out The Content Mix. We’ll be releasing interviews just like this one every day, so keep on tuning in. Thanks again, have a fabulous day and I’ll see you next time. Bye!
Transcribed by