Here is a transcript generated by of The Content Mix podcast interview with VeraContent’s Shaheen Samavati and Kyler Canastra, on when to translate content:

Shaheen Samavati 0:03
Hi, everyone. Thanks for tuning in. I’m Kyler Canasta.

And I’m Shaheen Samavati. We’re your hosts of The Content mix Podcast. Today, we’re going to be talking about marketing localization and when it makes sense to translate content versus create new content from scratch.

Marketing localization is the core of what we do at Vera content. So both Shaheen and I have a lot of things to talk about regarding this topic. So I definitely think we’re gonna have a really interesting episode today.

Definitely. So let’s just jump right into it. I mean, first of all, let’s get our terms straight. There’s a lot of terms for adopting content from one language to another. Translation transcreation localization are a really common one. So maybe Kyler, you can start off by telling us a little bit about what’s the difference between these terms? Yeah,

for sure. Because this definitely comes up on a daily basis, I think whenever I’m talking to clients, or new clients, or anyone interested in our business, and I think a lot of people around the world are very familiar with what translation is, which is obviously taking a message in one language or a text in one language, and then translating it or re interpreting it and the other language. So I think everyone’s really familiar with that term. But a lot of times when I say transcreation, a lot of people don’t know what that means. localization, I think it’s becoming more and more popular, I think, especially with social media and content, and how the world is becoming more globalized. But I think translation describes the craft and what we do. However, I think transcreation and localization is taking that one step further. So obviously, with transcreation, you have two words there: “trans” from translation and then “creation” from creative writing. And this is what we really love doing that VeraContent, it’s basically translating but taking it one step further in terms of you don’t have to stick 100% to the original texts, which in translation is called the source text. So a lot of times the more standard translations, like with a financial text, for example, you might want to not be so creative, because it’s very straightforward information. In financial texts, the numbers and the data is more important than the way that’s transmitted in a creative, fun tone or style. Those things aren’t really taken into consideration. But with transcreation, you really want to take the messaging that you’ve built, or the whole concept and style and tone that you’ve created in your original language, when you want to transmit that in another language, it’s not an easy task and it’s not always so straightforward. So with transcreation, translators are able to take texts and really put their own twist on them so that the same message resonates in a new market and with the target audience. So a lot of times, for example, with expressions is a good example of that. So, a lot of times you’ll see creative marketing copy using a play on words or using local expressions that are really funny or fun for that market, they don’t translate as well into another language. So giving the linguists that are working on translation the capability to take that idea and create it in a way that is the same, like if it’s a plan where it’s the same idea but then transmitting that in their own language. So a lot of times, you can see brands using alliteration, for example, if they use alliteration in the copy, then obviously using the same first letter for every word in the sentence is not going to work in a different language because the words are different. So how do you translate that into that market? For a lot of it involves creative writing, for sure.

And there was a really great example of that in a previous episode that you did with one of our translators, Megan Gardner. Yeah, like about the about this pop song that we, that we trans created.

Yeah, so we actually worked on translating our transcreating. So we had to do it for subtitles, because it was like a Spanish song that was going into a large global market. And it was important to have it in a Global English that people can understand. But it was also like, you know, that song, the the original artist really has a, it’s very creative in Spanish when it comes to her lyrics. And for us, that was really important to capture all the imagery, but also be just as creative as her in the original in the translated subtitles and lyrics in this case. So like, that was a challenge. But that kind of It’s on our website, too, if you want to check it out the case study, but I think it’s really that was a really cool example of transpiration because not only were we taking a text input into English, but we actually had to create the same imagery and ideas and concepts in English that was understood by a global audience. So that was a really cool, cool project to work on.

And then there was also some localization that went into that and maybe you can explain a little bit what, what localization means to you and like, what’s the difference between localization and transcreation? Yeah, there’s definitely overlap of course.

Definitely overlap. We were talking about that before. And before we started the episode and how, yeah, basically, like they go hand in hand. But I think localization is really the it’s like the craft of taking content like text and making sure that it’s, it’s, I’m trying to think like a good example. But like, when you’re looking at, I don’t know, some things in terms of like technical text, for example, I don’t know about

what you were talking about the nutrition facts, for

example, a product when we’re or nutrition facts like, so like, You’re different from one country to another? Exactly. So like, sometimes, like, if you’re selling a product that, you know, there’s some legal implications involved, for example. So like, we’re talking about nutritional labels, like, the US, for example, versus the EU, obviously, there’s a lot of difference in terms of regulation. So like, localization is kind of taking all those things as consideration. So you can’t just say, well, if it works in the US, I’m going to put it into the, the EU market, because there could be a lot of consequences to that, in terms of legal consequences, or the things just don’t work this way. And those things aren’t accepted in the target and those markets. So think localization is really making sure that you are, you know, transmitting that information in a way that’s, like, understood and allowed in the target market, as well. Yeah, it

takes the entire context into account. Because I think localization can go from everything from like, of course, the details. And I mean, you have to look at the format of the phone numbers and addresses, you have to look at, like, like you’re saying, like making sure that whatever you’re saying is relevant to the local context, in terms of the laws in terms of, you know, people’s attitudes there. And yeah, maybe like, yeah,

I was just gonna say like, it also involves, like, having people like, you know, working in that target audience, but then in that market, and people that understand the market and what’s going on. So that can be like political and social factors, I think, an example that came up and then we included it in a newsletter recently, it was how we like have we work with social media account that had a presence in Turkey, I think, and that was, during the wildfires in Turkey, like we had all this planned content to be posted on social media, and then the person that was managing that account for us who localizes that content was like, we can’t do any of this right now. Because people in my country are like really going through a crisis. And we were able to adapt the content to be more. Yeah, to like to have it resonate with the people there who are really going through a difficult time. So I think like localization, also, it’s considering those things like social and political factors, and what is going to work in the market and what’s not. So it’s kind of having the expert knowledge about the market as well. Yeah, absolutely.

I think when we say that what we do is marketing localization, it really is a combination of creative translation and localization in general, because market, I mean, the what we’re doing marketing content just tends to be creative. It requires that extra mile of just not, I mean, some types of translations, for example, legal translations, medical translations, the priority is accuracy. And absolutely, the translated text needs to convey exactly what it said in the original text. But when it comes to marketing, translation, that’s often not the case, it’s about what’s the message you want to get across for each audience that you’re trying to reach. And it might not be exactly the same for every audience. So you do need to adapt that exactly everything, like totally different content, in some cases, recipes is a really good example of like some content that needs to be localized. Because recipes you think, are very straightforward. And yes, they are very, like, you know, procedural and you step by step, you should follow recipe, anyone can get it. But say you’re doing a recipe, and then you want to put it into France for like, you want to have the recipe into French and white French people to be working on it well yet, if you’re gonna make sure like the units of measurement are accepted in that country, you need to also consider the products. So like, sometimes you might have a recipe that in the UK, for example, you have access to a certain product that you can use, but if in France, they don’t have access to that you have to like, make an equipment into it. So like you said, I think all of these things go hand in hand. And sometimes in a certain project, you might lean more like it might be more transcription and localization and less, you know, or you might have to do this translation, but there might be aspects of localization that go into that as well. So it’s kind of like you can’t do one without the other in a way but I think like in terms of, like, how far you want to go with transportation that depends on what the brand is, and anything in marketing, like you said, we see that a lot that a lot of people want to take that extra step. So because you’re really trying to market your product or your brand to someone that really feels passionate about it, that you want to build that passion for your brand.

Absolutely. I totally agree about like food is a tricky one because also like when it comes to creating marketing content, content around food products or articles about food topics, we’ve done a lot of that and it’s the the terminology around food can differ so much as well from like one market to The next even though it’s the same language, I think, very fun.

Kyler Canastra 10:04
I think for like Shaheen and I are both Americans that live in Europe. And that’s something that like recipes, for example, like us, if we use an American recipe, everything’s different. I remember I just think I just bought it, it’s so random. But I did buy, like measuring cups that are like, localize for both. So you know, like one cup equals this many milliliters like that, because part of the recipe is if you want to cook something in the in Europe, and you’re obviously outside of the US, when no one else uses Fahrenheit, then you have to, like, try and get the localized recipe in order to be actually having an app for that, that takes all my American recipes and turns everything into

Shaheen Samavati 10:39
into metric system.

Kyler Canastra 10:45
That’s what we do, essentially, that’s a very simple example of like, okay, recipes, but I think that’s what we do, essentially. Yeah, cool. Now, I think a lot of times, when we see that people are not confused, or they’re unsure about, like, when they’re launching a blog, or social media channel and a new international market, they’re not the easiest option, I think, and they think so too, is to take the content from the global channel, and translate that for the new market. So Shaheen, when do you think that approach works? Because I wouldn’t say it works for everyone. But it does work in certain cases.

Shaheen Samavati 11:17
Yeah, so I like overall topic here is like when can you use existing content and just like, translated or trends create it? And when do you need to go? Like actually create new content fair market? And I think there’s a lot of cases where you can use the same content, essentially, and translate it, I think, like some degree of localization is usually needed. I mean, pretty much always needed. There’s some degree of localization happening in any translation, basically. But I think, yeah, obviously, like your general web content, if it’s global content, I mean, but you you want to be, have it available for all the markets that you operate in, it obviously makes sense to keep that the the gist of that messaging the same. And to translate it, I mean, product pages, for example, if the product is exactly the same in the different markets, you might want to use the same content, even blog content can be reused even social media content as well. I mean, generally, what we see clients do is, is a mix of translation and creating new content for the market as needed. So it really depends on the strategy that the company is following. But yeah, for example, with blog content, like SEO needs to be taken into account and needs to be localized, even if you’re if the base content is the same. So

that’s also explained localization needed, yeah, because I think a lot of times people forget that, like, if you’re doing keyword research for SEO in one market, then that’s not going to you can’t just translate the keywords, you have to do the whole market research that goes behind it, and get the target, like the keywords for the target market, and then try to implement them into the blog post that sounds natural. So that’s like a craft for them itself. So it’s like, involving a lot of transportation and localization into a task that, okay, maybe the blog post is simply the translation of it. But you might have take the extra step to make sure that you’re implementing the keywords in a way that sounds natural to the reader so that it gets optimized. And it’s number one in Google in that market. Absolutely, a different options and aspects that it’s not very, like black or white. I think that’s what we’re trying to like, it’s clearly obvious that these things aren’t as black and white is flat, and it’s case by case. But I think a lot like you said, like, it makes sense to, you know, on a website, like you’re translating a website, your messaging is going to be the same more or less your about page or services. So I don’t think we need to be true. You can though I’m not gonna say you can’t, but to translate, and that are localized is not 100% priority. But I do think like,

localization and translation is part of the translation process. If it’s a marketing translation, of course, it’s going to have some level of creativity. But the thing about like, creating new content, yeah, like, obviously, you don’t, don’t need to recreate the wheel where it’s not necessary. That’s adding, like extra effort and extra expense. And you should only do that if it’s actually merited. Like if if you have a reason to create totally different content,

right, if you have a product that you only sell in one country, for example, that makes sense to to create new content for that. Now, on the flip side, Shaheen, when is it necessary to create totally new content for the market? So we had just mentioned that example. But I guess yeah, if you have any other ideas or

Yeah, so I mean, so there’s definitely cases and we work with like a lot of clients who, who do choose to make tailored content for different markets. I think it depends on your, on your business strategy and how different business you’re doing in the different markets. So if you’re selling exactly the same thing, in the same way and the context is the same, then you can probably reuse more content. But like, if your product offering has to change because have something in that in that market, then, of course, you have to change your messaging around that also could just be like we’re saying, like attitudes towards towards a particular product, like, say you’re selling alcohol and like the attitude towards alcohol in that country is totally different, or the types of alcohol they drink, there are different and you’re trying to emphasize a new product category, maybe that’s not popular there. I don’t know, coming up with random.

If you’re like trying to sell vodka, alcohol, but like in a market that people don’t really drink that you might want to create content,

vodka in Russia probably isn’t the same as selling vodka in places where they don’t drink a lot of

alcohol. Yeah. Like you really have to take into consideration. But I also think like the different, it depends on the platforms to that you’re using. So I feel like with social media, for example, like all the different social media platforms that maybe we know are more popular in one country versus the other. So it might make sense to invest, you know, in creating content for Twitter, or for Tik Tok and an ad in a target market, that that’s the most popular platform to use at a month. And I think demographic is another one that comes up as well. It’s like, if you’re really targeting to certain demographic, you have to look to see like, what’s the trends in terms of how they consume their content. So you may be one demographic might prefer to read long form content as the blog. While you know, if you’re trying to target to a younger generation, we see the trend now, it isn’t like Instagram and Tiktok. That’s more visual content. So you really have to, and that also will impact how much if you’re transcribing, for example, how much you want to train is great. Because if you’re targeting a younger audience, they might want something that resonates more with them personally, as well. So there’s so many different factors that come into that come into play.

Totally. Yeah, I think it comes back to like the what your overall strategy is your marketing strategy. And like you said, if if you were deciding to focus on certain content platforms in one market versus another, obviously, you would have to create different content for that platform, because every platform is different in terms of the way the content is formatted. And all that, of course, you can repurpose, but that means there’s a lot of creation involved in that. And then, okay, so we’re talking like, generally, I think it would be a lot easier to conceptualize if we give some concrete examples. So maybe you can share an example where, where we’ve had to create original content for client for particular markets.

Yeah. So we, so actually, I think when people know that I have been working on very content for a while, and I worked as a project manager for a couple of years. And one of my projects was working with spider home, which is the global real estate platform. And a lot actually was interesting, because a lot of the content we did because it was this global real estate platform was originally in English, because they were like that’s like with real estate listings and different landing pages for the website. However, we had this really cool opportunity to work on a project that was targeted towards landlords in each country. So like, not the, they’re like clients, I guess, when people looking for real estate, but the people who are sharing their real estate listings on the platform, and that private that project required working in six languages, because that involves seo keywords for blog posts, so we wanted to do blog posts in English, Spanish, Italian, German, French, and Portuguese. So we were presented with the keyword research for each market and the topics. And now it was very important for us to have original content here because as we know, some landlord laws and every country are extremely different. And I think in a place like Europe, where you know, it’s very, you know, the continent is very condensed in that sense that if you cross the border, you know, it’s going to be totally different. So we were able to work it was made total sense to work with original content by creators that were living in those markets, that understood landlord rules and laws. So a lot of it you know, they did different posts on how to like how to list your, your property or you know, how to deal with tenants and stuff like that. And that’s obviously going to be so different because of the laws and each market. So I think in that project, we like worked in three weeks, we’re able to like produce 30 landing pages and six languages. And that was just a really cool experience because every post was obviously the same topic. And with more or less, like the keywords are similar but different at the same time, but the product itself was extremely different. So like the end

result, you’d be like, yeah, so they were given like a similar briefing similar topic, but I mean, the same topic basically similar briefing maybe with some different keywords, but then but that actual end result ended up being a totally different article because the content contextual differences in each market.

Exactly. So it was like really cool to see how could they really want to invest in like the quality localized content because you know, when looking for a partner, Brian, it’s so different. Like, all the rules are different and it’s you really like if you want to like communicate, even like So, like landlord relations work in countries and not just laws, I think like the way a landlord, I think in different countries, that’s different expectations for a landlord and a tenant are different. I feel like some countries, you might a landlord might be the one that’s expected to fix everything or like keep on top of the apartment, while in some other countries, the tenants the one. So it’s like, if you have to capture those cultural differences, that aren’t just so easy if you just did a translation, because that would be lost. So I think, even the way you address an audience, too, I think changes in those. So I’m thinking of those languages for, like, at once I can speak about Spanish and Portuguese, for example, I think Portuguese is much more formal language. So I think the relationship between a tenant and their landlord is gonna be much more formal. So I think the way the the writers approach those posts were with that, keeping that in mind, well, I think Spain’s a bit more is informal in that sense. So like, you’re not only just yeah, like I emphasize that it gets matches, like the rules and the the laws and all that stuff. It’s more about even how the relationship works in each market, between landlord and tenant. So it was a really cool project to work on, I have to say, really cool result.

I was just curious, like, what some of the topics were, but I was just looking at what it was, for example, like, how much can I rent my property for some tips on like, setting the pricing, how to prepare your apartment for rent and things like that? We’re kind of

pacing to the big one, as well. Yeah, how you can present that price in different markets is different. And like the expectations about deposits, and agency fees comes up a lot, stuff like that. So yeah, it was really cool to see how that all came together. For sure. Now, I’m trying to think of another project that kind of a good example for this is a more recent one. And we’re working with a company called current foods. And they’re based out of San Francisco. And they are a plant based seafood company. And so they’re obviously very familiar with the US market. And that’s where they started. But because I’m one of the like, the founders, I’m pretty sure and the main research developer is Spanish, they were able to, they were interested in breaking into the Spanish market. And they were able to team up with a supermarket in Spain to like release their product. So we were able to kind of help them in their very initial phase. Because like they had all the content in English, and they’re just kind of getting their feet wet in the US market. And then now we’re taking that and bring it into into Spain. Now, which is very interesting, because if for people who are listening and who have been to Spain or know anything about Spain, I think seafood is a very important part of the gastronomy, especially in certain regions in Spain. And Spanish people are very proud of that. So I think in the US, and I’m speaking as an American, I think we’re much we have we’re much more familiar with, like vegan and vegetarian options, and I think in Spain and Shaheen, I think you can agree with me like recently, it’s become much more of a trend. I think when we first both moved to Spain, it was not, it was very weird. Not weird. Not weird to be vegetarian. But for Spanish people didn’t even know what that meant. It was unusual. Yeah. I remember like, people being like, oh, yeah, like to get a salad like Nick’s salad in Spain has tuna on it, for example. So like, it’s a sick thing. And they were like, Why do you want to get the tuna off the salad? So it’s a really project? Yeah. When

you say you want something a vegetarian dish, like half the time it has sufficient because they just think you don’t want meat, but officials should be okay. Right.

So like we had that challenge of like, we’re introducing this really cool, innovative product in a country where that’s not really consumed as often are the concepts not fair. So I think a lot of times, we’ve seen that we have to create very individualized, like local content for Spain. So for example, something that comes up is like if we’re going to adapt content from the UK and the US, because it’s for Instagram. So if they’re using that in the US market, if it has, like for example, a picture of the label, the nutritional facts, like we can’t include that on the Spanish page, because that’s different due to EU regulation. So like, even like the nitty gritty of things that you wouldn’t even think about, like you can’t you have to localize it, because if not, then you can also get in trouble by you regulation or like you’re kind of be promoting something that does not exist in that market. So it’s even from like, the images that you use, and the texts you use really have to be and I think the challenge with that hasn’t been that the brand itself and English and the US market is super creative. And they haven’t really cool they’re very bold with how they with their content and how to take that and translate that into Spanish in a way that resonates with them Spanish audiences been really really cool. So like it’s been a really interesting experience for there’s so much that goes on behind behind it and also like, you know, using play on words with like, popular Spanish music, for example, have you done a couple of posts that involves um, different songs like that are very common in Spain, in pop culture in Spain, and then kind of playing on that to transmit a similar Message in Spanish. So it’s been really, really fun product to work on. We’re localizing not only words, the captions on Instagram, we’re also localizing the imagery, the videos that we’re using as well. Yeah, absolutely.

I think it’s a really good example of what we’re talking about before about like kind of creating a new product category and a market, that you have it where maybe in different contexts for the business, then then their home market.

And I think like, even if I talk about another product we worked on is popsockets. I think it’s a good example. Because that’s a product that I think bear in my mind is very American, I think it actually like popsicles became popular, because I don’t know if I can say this with the Kardashians, we’re using them, and it became a big trend in the US. And when they were bringing it to the European market, people were like, What is this, like, I had no idea what that product was. And we really had to be creative with the way that we presented the product, it was almost as if, in the US, it was just like people who sat, I remember being here and people just started getting them. It was like kind of a lot of word of mouth marketing. While the European approach is like, how do we take that and like localized for each market we’re working in? And yeah, like, how did you take

care of taking a different starting point? Because exactly at this point, that the content that they’re creating for social media is assuming a certain level of familiarity, but we can’t use that exact same content in Europe, because it’s just that people don’t know the product as well. So

exactly. Because it really, we’ve worked in a lot of different products, where that’s what that’s like the challenge that were presented at the beginning of the collaboration is we have all this great content in our home market. But how do we transmit that to another market? And how do we make it work? So there’s also

like specific situations that we want to create specific, like local content around like I know, it’s current foods, we also had like a partnership, they were launching in Spain, for example that they wanted to promote. So that was like, obviously has to be original content, because we’re not translating it from anything else.

Exactly. Yeah. It’s really cool. And that’s like, when you have to make that decision a lot. I think it’s the team that’s working on that has that challenge every day, like when do we adapt? Or when do we create from scratch? So it’s kind of the back and forth conversations was, again, going back to the idea that is not so crystal clear, always every situation? Every situation is a case by case analysis, I think you need to apply you think

that like social media projects require like more original content than like, more straightforward web content? And I guess?

That’s a good question. Because now we’re seeing like a lot with social media, like viral trends, right, that go viral across borders, and doesn’t matter what languages are in. But I also think, in our field of marketing a certain product than I do think you should be creating original content, especially like, we see a lot with them with influencers, local influencers, if you want to engage them as well, there might be content like, so yeah, there are viral trends, but that also trends within each market that may be you might want to hop on that train. You know, there’s a tick tock trends, I’m thinking, I don’t know, I’m not a big tick tock user. Personally, I recognize how important it is, but I don’t often, but I feel like there are trends in certain countries that they have, like certain sound bits they do or like different things that you can, like, play off of that, for that certain market with your product, or by creating original content. But it depends.

Yeah, I mean, I think like, obviously, like some, I mean, a lot of the clients we work with, we do translate or, you know, localized, but take something, some base content they have in one language, to use it as some of the planned content we have for social media. But I think with social media, because of its real time, nature, there’s so much that you don’t I mean, you could try to plan everything. But if you want to be relevant and engaging with your audience, you have to be you have to work there in real time to some degree. So that means creating spur of the moment content. And and that has to do with like, yeah, the trends that are happening in that market, though, the way people are reacting to your page in that market. And that often means, I mean, you end up having to create original content in that language. It’s not enough just to translate.

Yeah, that’s I think it’s like interesting what we do at every content that we work with so many collaborators that are based in the markets that we’re working in. So it’s like, so helpful in terms of like, even if you think you might be doing a very simple transformation, and then you have the, you know, the translator coming back to you saying, Oh, we shouldn’t do this, or I don’t like just having that insight with people that are on the ground. I think it’s also important to keep in mind as well, you want to work with people that really understand not just the language, but the market and the trends as well. Definitely,

I would say another, like example that came to mind actually, that’s not social media related, but just thinking on the flip side of that, like actually, a lot of b2b content that we’ve done is very localized as like very, like, we’ve had to create specific content for the market because I think so much of b2b is like about case studies. And it’s really important to have like local case studies that are relevant to teach market so A lot of times we have created like totally original white papers or case studies, like in just one language, rather than translating from one end to the other. So especially

if you have a case study with a big brand, for example, like you want it, that’s fine. But that big brands only known in Italy, then you’re only going to want to do you don’t want to waste your resources and translate it off for the market, if you don’t think it’s gonna resonate the same as

a lot of times too, it has it goes hand in hand with like multimedia content that they have in the local language. And watching a video in Italian translated into, like English, for example, maybe they don’t want to use that in the US market doesn’t make a lot of sense to just, you know, use that content in the Italian market, for example.

A lot of different examples that I think we face on a daily basis that very content, and I think that’s what it makes it very interesting to work in the field that we do, because it’s always new challenges every day in terms of this, this question comes up all the time on a daily basis of when do you transcript and we localize. And I think that’s what makes it such a cool field to work in, because it’s so collaborative in that sense. So everyone, like, it’s just a lot of brainstorming creativity that goes into it, even before you produce the product itself. Yeah, absolutely.

constant learning. That’s one part of what I love

about this job, especially, actually was talking to someone about it recently about how like, that’s the one thing I love about working at very content is that every day we’re challenged to learn new things and understand new concepts, and you never know what the day is going to bring. So, absolutely, yeah. Shaheen, if you have any final thoughts you want to share about the topic? Or I know we’ve seen and I’ve probably been talking about this all day. So

yeah, I think we covered most of it. I mean, I, I mean, I guess the ultimate answer to the question like, okay, when do you create new content? Versus when you use what you like you have it really? It depends. There’s not a right answer. But I think we covered a lot of the ways the things that should be taken into account. And I guess kind of, like I said, at the beginning, it’s like, if you can reuse your content, reuse your content, don’t create your content, just for the for the sake of it. But I think there are a lot of circumstances where it is where it’s really necessary, and obviously beneficial for your brand, if you really want to connect with with your local audience.

Exactly. And I think it’s also important to emphasize how it’s good to take risks with this and try new things and test things out. Because you might not know like, there’s no right or wrong answer, like you just said. So I think you want to try if you have the resources to do so like, okay, let’s, you know, try to localize everything, see how that works. See how our target audience reacts to that. And if it’s working well, and you continue with that, if not, you can maybe just start, you know, just doing more translation are, you want to create original content are all these things that you can keep in mind, but I think testing is so important, because you don’t you don’t really know until you try. So I think that’s also a really cool thing. So you know, that data is important. And this is the ball to see like how effective things are working. So yeah, there’s no right or wrong answer, but it’s always good to take a risk and to the outcome, what the outcome is really good point. Yeah. So Shane, thanks again, as always, for your for sharing all your insight and for being with us today. And, and I want to thank everyone for listening in. So more. For more perspectives on global content marketing, definitely check out And if you’d like to get in touch with either Shaheen or myself, or if you have any interesting topic for an upcoming episode, we’re very open to feedback into new ideas. Feel free to reach out to us at And keep tuning to the podcast for more perspectives on topics related to global content creation.

See you next time, everybody. See ya. Bye.

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