Here is a transcript generated by of The Content Mix podcast interview with VeraContent’s Kyler Canastra and Bertrand Serrano from Danone, on why you need to create locally relevant content:
Kyler Canastra 0:03
Hi everyone, I’m Kyler from The Content Mix, and I’m excited to be here with Bertrand Serrano, a marketing manager at Danone, as many of us know, Danone is a leading multi-local food and beverage company building on health-focused and fast-growing categories in three different areas: essential dairy and plant-based products, waters and specialized nutrition. Bertrand works in the essential dairy and plant-based products division, helping brands and markets accelerate and deliver digitally while connecting the brands with their audience. With years of experience in project and customer management, Bertrand has taken this experience to Danone, where he’s been working since 2019. So without much further ado, I want to thank Bertrand for joining us today on The Content Mix. It’s a pleasure to have you on the show.
Bertrand Serrano 0:49
Thanks for having me.
Kyler Canastra 0:50
So we’ll just dive in from the beginning and a lot of people are probably gonna want to know who you are. So kind of can you explain to us a bit who you are, where you’re from, and kind of how you ended up getting into content marketing, especially in the European market?
Bertrand Serrano 1:03
Sure. So, hi everyone. I’m Bertrand. So I come from France, as you would have heard already. I’m, I was born in South of France, I spent most of my time there, then I came in Paris, I think it was 2005, something like this. Obviously, because this is where I started to work. And most of my background is actually on the agency side, I started off with digital agency called FullSIX. It’s now part of Havas. Then another smaller agency, activation agency, then I started up my own agency with a few colleagues slash friends that we actually ran for seven years, I think, before I joined Danone, and to your and so that’s on the professional side, on the personal side, I’m happily a father of two. And that takes up a lot of my time as well. And, so to your point about content marketing, I guess I’ve always been around it. I don’t think I can say that I started with this, I was always drawn to marketing communication, advertising to be to be more specific. I don’t think I even knew it was actually a job. And I almost ended up in that field by accident. I was in an internship working at the the gallerie Lafayette. And it had to end earlier than expected for like reasons that were completely out of our control. So I was like, I need to find something else. And a friend of mine was working in an even agency and and saying: Hey, we have openings, come check it out. And I met with the head of the planning of this agency. And I was like, that’s a job that’s, this is like amazing to be able to work in terms of how do we give a voice to the brands? How can we translate what the brands stand for in events or, or kind of things like that. And that was, this was opening a whole new world to me, and this is how it started. For me the journey in that space. And then I went on to digital agencies and content came up a little bit later, but that that’s how it started.
Kyler Canastra 3:31
It all evolved from one place and then kind of just along the way you accumulated all these other skills and more experience and networking and kind of ended up where you are now.
Bertrand Serrano 3:40
Kyler Canastra 3:41
Now just out of curiosity because our listeners for the podcasts are people who are working in content marketing in Europe, how’s the market in France for like looking for a job? Or do you find that there’s a lot of opportunities for marketers in Paris or in France?
So the market is, is there’s a little bit of tension. And it comes with a number of obvious reasons. The main one being the uncertainty of the situation. However, I think we’re sensing positive signs and be it in on the agency side, I think the heat was not as bad as we all thought it would be, which is a good thing. And but also on the client side, I feel that there are still a lot of openings and and especially if we look at the experts side of, of the discipline, these will still be very much needed. And I think there’s a natural evolution in terms of in-housing some of the capabilities when you’re on the client side, that are creating openings for people. So I think the market is okay. It’s not as open as it used to be a couple of years ago, but it’s okay.
Nowhere in the world right is open as it used to be, but it’s really positive news. I feel like we’re kind of moving upward. And after the pandemic and everything, we’re kind of seeing more positive light, especially with marketing kind of job opportunities. And there’s movement. Yeah, people are…
Bertrand Serrano 5:17
Light at the end of the tunnel, no?
Kyler Canastra 5:19
For sure. Especially because a lot of companies were scared, you know, with their budgets and kind of what’s going to happen. So it definitely is nice to see like, a lot of movement again, and we’re kind of getting out of the dark place that we were in. But I was wondering, because, you know, Danone is a company that everyone, I think, a lot of people around the world recognize and know. So what’s like your typical day at work like at Danone, and kind of, especially like, now that we’re kind of remote and working from home and kind of what responsibilities do you have within the company?
Bertrand Serrano 5:49
So I guess my position in Danone evolved a bit. I started off an interesting lead. So it was, Danone was one of my former clients when I had my own agency. And it was my oldest client. And this is why I ended up working at Danone. And I started looking after, like websites, search, these kinds of areas. And so I, I’m in the global team. So I see this very much as some kind of agency position, because you work with the global brands, the multi-local brands, Activia, Actimel, and you help them craft what they do from a global standpoint. And, and then you also have the markets, the countries, because they have specific needs, and it can be for the global brands, but it can also be for the local brands. So this is how it started off. And then I dwelled a little bit into an initiative of how do we change the way we work with our partners on the agency side, so that we break the silos? And the evolution of our discipline is super interesting, because we saw a lot of expert aspects of the job appear over the course of the last 15 years. And so that created a lot of specialties, in the different, even in the agencies. And this is also why the big networks kept on buying smaller shops of expert jobs. And in the companies, it was a little bit of the same. So we ended up in places where you had people looking after social on one side, then the people looking after brand equity and and the big ideas on the other and then some other people looking after whatever, actually, and I don’t think it’s that unspecific, it’s just a an industry natural evolution of how we’ve absorbed these new jobs and roles. And so the result is that the way we work can be sometimes a little bit siloed. And so and we’re going back to what we used to call integrated marketing. So how do we make sure that we have a comprehensive approach, that we’re not taking things in isolation but work across the board. And so essentially, my work is revisiting the way we work both internally and externally with our partners so that we have a more integrated approach. And each comes through here, now we’re seeing some of the capabilities. So we have the people from the agencies coming in and working with us. But it’s almost like a consequence of how we evolve the ways of working more than the initial motivation. But I do believe that it provides a lot of positive impacts by getting people closer together. So it’s proving to be super challenging during the pandemic. But this is, this is what I do. And honestly, my days are, I speak with the global teams, the local teams, I work with the agency. So we try to pilot new ways of working in some countries. And then we see how much we can replicate, scale up some of this. Danone is a very, let’s say, there’s a lot of room for initiative. And so we try things, we trial things and then we’re like, Okay, this is working. Let’s, let’s scale it up. And I think it’s very empowering for people.
Kyler Canastra 9:44
I bet. And yeah, so you mentioned that you worked a lot in improving overall efficiency when working and organizing with both internal external partners, and I was kind of wondering what kind of partners do you work with, like externally?
Bertrand Serrano 9:57
Yeah. So one, the biggest network of agencies we work with is WPP. So we work a lot with the group, especially on the dairy division we have, we have a team, from WPP dedicated to working with us. So we work a lot with them. But we also have more smaller partners. We work with Oliver, Dragons, which specialize in in-housing some of the capabilities around the content creation. And we also work with any local agency that any CBU is working with. So that we, the idea is, obviously having a roster of partners is critical for many reasons. But the idea is to make it work at local level. So if they have any specific context, or any specific partners that we need to make sure we take into account, we also obviously work with that.
Kyler Canastra 11:10
That’s great. And it’s really interesting, because since it’s such a big organization, it does seem like you’ve really focused on the local market and kind of connecting with the people who are consuming these products. So I think that’s really cool. And I wanted to know to like why outsource the content creation? You said, for example, one of the partners would be doing content creation, is that because you want to, like have local writers be working on the type of content you’re producing, or what’s the reasoning behind that?
Bertrand Serrano 11:34
So I think there’s an increasing need to make sure that we’re connecting with the audience. And I think the natural evolution…. You used to, especially when you were in the FMCG [fast-moving consumer goods] space, you used to come up with a new product, you put out that TV copy and a few other things, and it was almost sold by itself. And I’m voluntarily simplifying the speech. But I think now we have so many touchpoints to activate, so many people to talk to on so many different channels, that it has to be local. And it’s actually, I mean, you might have heard that the company [Danone] is undergoing a major transformation. And the plan is called “local first.” And because there’s a real need to empower the countries and I think for a brand like, for a company like Danone, for a brand like Danone, it makes even more sense because we’re a certified B Corp in many countries and many of our divisions, and the importance of local being on the sourcing part, or on the execution and content creation part is fundamental. So we really want to make sure that the content we are going to create is locally relevant. So that means adapting the way we operate there. Some of it will still remain global, because when you have brands like Activia, which is one of the biggest, it’s the biggest yogurt brand in the world, you have to have some of this that is defined globally, but then it has to be locally relevant. And you don’t speak to people in Russia like you would to people in Brazil, to example. So… anchor this in a local reality, and the local reality is both from the inside to the content to the channels. Everything has to be adapted to the local markets. And this is what we are after.
Kyler Canastra 13:47
It’s so important. And it’s interesting, because you know, I’ve done a lot of work in localization and kind of this whole area. And it’s just, you know, when you reflect on it, if you think before the internet, right, kind of marketing was kind of localized, because we didn’t get to expand as much. But now that we have such like a global reach in terms of the marketing that we do, it’s kind of now that and especially now people want this demand, they want things that content that resonates with them, the consumer wants something that is resonating with them. So we kind of have to like go back to where we were before and kind of focus more because obviously, it’s easy right to do a marketing campaign, do one and see how it works around the world. But if you really want to kind of make a meaningful experience now with your brand, then you really have to focus on local.
Bertrand Serrano 14:27
And I think that’s a very interesting part because actually, I think we all got dragged by the emergence of the new channels and the land of opportunities that we were sold, or we sold ourselves right with digital, with personalization, with all of the things but if you go back to the basics of marketing, I think they’ve always been the same. It needs to resonate with your audience, it needs to mean something to them. Now we have more channels. So we need to be more conscious on how we leverage them. But the fundamentals, I don’t think they have changed that much. And we’ve kind of lost track of that. Because we’ve been blinded by technology in terms of “this is what we can do.” So we focus on technology, but we forget about the meaning. We forget about the message. And these will always be the most important part of it cause if you don’t have the message, if it doesn’t resonate with your audience, it’s as good as useless actually, so…
Kyler Canastra 15:30
Yeah, it’s like all this power that we have with technology convolutes like the real meaning of what we’re trying to do, and which is connecting with people. And I think that we’ve seen that even more in the past year and a half with the pandemic, like we’re all behind our computer. So we kind of, it’s very easy to forget that if you’re writing an email to somebody, or you’re even like simple things like that, that someone else is reading it, it’s a human. So I think it’s so important, like you said that we really focus on the basics of marketing, which is connecting with an audience. And now I have to ask you, if we’re talking about campaigns and content creation, and all that, what’s been a good example of like a successful piece of content that you’ve worked on, or you’ve been involved with, or a campaign that has really worked well?
Bertrand Serrano 16:10
So well, many of them if I go back to agency life. But if I stick to more current examples, so I don’t personally work on the contents. I’m trying to work on how do we set ourselves up to creating the best content and efficiently and delivering the most effective results? So I guess my, so it’s kind of a non answer, but I’ll give it anyway. I think where I’m most proud is when I see people in some markets that have no idea of who I am, because they came up after or, and they are like super vocal about how they’ve been working on this project. And what they did with it at local level without even knowing that this is something that we were working on at global level. And then they, it feels to me that it’s their own thing. And they are super proud with the results. And they say that it delivers much better campaigns, and they are showcasing the results all through the organization. And this is like you feel that what you’ve been doing is useful to people internally, and delivering good results externally. This is like this is like I feel that what I’m doing is useful to these people. So this is where I’m most proud.
Kyler Canastra 17:50
You’re acting like a bridge between… you kind of connect people and bring them together. And you’ve mentioned a lot your agency. And I want to update our listeners a bit about this, because you kind of have this entrepreneurial side as well. So if I’m not mistaken, from 2011 to 2018, you were the co-founder and you ran a client and agency management business called VERSUS in which you worked with new businesses and digital leads. And I think Danone, right, was one of the clients that you had there. And a lot of your work involved developing strategies and activations to properly execute campaigns on digital print, packaging, and many more channels. And some of your clients included, like I said before, Danone where you worked on Light&Free, and Activia, Evion, Ricard, and JP Gaultier. And so yeah, very cool that you’ve done this as well, you kind of had this agency experience, and you’ve kind of gone back and forth between the two. So how did like VERSUS come about? Like, how did that project start? And how was it like starting your own company and running a successful company? How was that experience?
Bertrand Serrano 18:48
So it was, as most of the different steps that I’ve taken throughout my short career, it was almost by accident. And I guess, somewhere, I had in my mind that I wanted to run something at some point. But I really believe in the opportunities of meeting, so one of my closest friends was actually working in a big ad agency, and he had the will of creating something, and he was working on it. And so I left my job and we were discussing and, and he was starting what he was doing. And so he needed a little bit of help on digital expertise in some areas. And so it started off like this. So when I say by accident, it really is by accident. And then after a few projects were like, okay, there, it feels that there’s a need, there’s a need to do something. So I joined the adventure like this. So I was a co-founder, as in I was there at the beginning but I honestly, I cannot claim that this was my idea to create the agency, I just came in at the right time. And then and then it grew. And we were super naive in terms of, yeah, we can build an agency from scratch and do this. And I don’t know if I would do it again tomorrow. But I regret nothing, it was one of the most enriching experience and, and I think it also provides a lot of different perspective as you move on and you go back to being an employee of a company. And seeing it growing and working to grow it, and actually, the work with Danone as a group was, it started off with the limited editions, you might have seen this Evion bottle designed by designers. So we started off with this, and then we went into social content for Evion. And we saw the content that we were doing, but back, I think it was in 2013 being picked up by news outlet, like, this is what Evion is doing. And you feel like what you’re doing is somehow having an impact on people. And it was I mean, it was an amazing experience. The only thing is that running an agency is a huge challenge. And I felt that. So first of all, we were like six partners, and it’s a lot for a very small agency. And so I just wanted to see something else. And I was considering doing actually completely different things that what I’m doing now. And again, by accident, one of my former clients who will recognize herself I’m sure, called me and said: “Hey, you left, I’m taking this new role. You want to come help?” And I was like, “Sure, why not?” And and what was a mission ended up being a year or so contract before I ended up actually, in Danone.
Kyler Canastra 22:04
Yeah. So you actually mentioned a couple of things about what would you do differently when running an agency? And that was my next question. So you said you had a lot of partners and kind of didn’t really know, the expectations, I guess, behind running an agency, was there anything else that you would have done differently if you had the opportunity to do it again?
Bertrand Serrano 22:21
I think many things we could have done differently. And probably tomorrow we would be doing each of us differently. I think what matters is more like, what do you take from that? And I am super proud of this experience, I am super proud of what we’ve achieved. And I’ve learned, I’ve learned that running a business with friends is challenging. I’ve learned that aligning decisions on where you want to take a company when you’re a lot is challenging. But I’ve also learned that communication is key. And this is how you make it work. And this is how you end up making it work over the course of seven years. And actually the agency is still running and the guys are still making it the success that it was. Ao I think it’s a fantastic experience. And I I think there are many areas where we could have done things differently. But again, I think the most important part is how do you make it your own? And how do you make sure that you have this somewhere in your mind when you move on to your next role, job position, whatever it is.
Kyler Canastra 22:27
Exactly. And from those, I wouldn’t call them mistakes, but maybe like things you would have done differently, that’s how you learn. So you kind of take those as learning lessons, and kind of evolve…
Bertrand Serrano 24:03
I think my, the most precious thing that I took with me is some kind of sane distance. When you run your own shop, you’re like, I need to win this cause this is paying the salaries basically. So when you come in as an employee, and you see a lot of things, you’re like, Oh, this is really different from, especially in such a large group. I mean, all of the experiences I’ve had were smaller setups than anything like Danone. Danone is a huge, large corporation. And so I think having this sane distance with what is a job at the end of the day, is also super healthy because you try to keep a perspective on what you’re doing and you’re not dragged by the daily things or the smaller things. You try to manage tactics and strategy. And I think this is really something that would have been complicated for me to reach if I hadn’t had this entrepreneurial mindset. And the other part is the entrepreneurial, entrepreneurial culture. I just do it. I don’t… and a company like Danone allowing us to do this is amazing.
Kyler Canastra 25:31
It’s really cool.
Bertrand Serrano 25:31
You don’t need to wait too many alignment, too many things, you’re like, I’m trying this, you make sure that people are okay with it, and that you just run with it. And sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t but that is a precious aspect of the job and of the company.
Kyler Canastra 25:47
For sure. And so you have a lot of flexibility to take risks and try new things, which is, like you said, part of being an entrepreneur, right? It’s kind of taking a risk and not knowing what’s gonna come and seeing how it works. And it’s really cool that you feel like you have the freedom, the liberty to do that, which is really great. Now, you have a lot of experience too, working with other marketing agencies and companies. What do you think, like a lot of agencies or companies get wrong when it comes to marketing?
Bertrand Serrano 26:14
I think, so that’s a trick question. I think we tend to, we tend to privilege. And I say we as a community, the marketing community, to privilege tactics over strategy. We’re super short-term focused, activation-focused, we have bursts. And because this is… it’s nobody’s fault, really. It’s like, everybody’s waiting for your immediate results. And I think, I don’t know if it’s something that we are doing wrong, or the agencies are doing wrong, because… coming from the other side, I think it’s never as simple as the agency is getting it wrong, or the client is brief, is briefing on the wrong way. I think it’s a joint effort, whether it’s a success or failure. And I think this is exactly… the biggest challenge is keeping an eye on the long run, while making sure you’re delivering the daily stuff that you need to deliver. But making sure that you’re tracking the results on the long term and not only on the short term.
Kyler Canastra 27:35
Yes, it’s kind of having like a dual, you know, mindset of short term and long term and keeping them in sync.
Bertrand Serrano 27:40
It’s hugely usually challenging because the daily pressure to focus on things of the now is incredibly high.
Kyler Canastra 27:47
Yeah, for sure. And for like, I guess what skills do you think marketers nowadays would need to like be successful in today’s world, in today’s market?
Bertrand Serrano 27:57
So that’s one of them honestly, the ability to be long-term driven while also taking care of the short term is… and nothing is mine. Yeah, this is all coming from Mark Ritson who is a marketer I deeply admire, and I encourage everybody to read and watch everything he’s saying. He’s a no BS kind of guy. And in our discipline, it’s something that is rare enough to be highlighted. And I think, I think I agree with essentially, everything he’s saying. He’s one of my ultimate reference. And I think this ability to be able to strategize, while delivering the short term is critical. The other thing is more at companies level is favored diversity. We’re all, so we have a very, usually large companies have very diverse geographical backgrounds when it comes to people. But in terms of trainings, in terms of backgrounds, it’s super frightening for big organizations to hire people with different backgrounds, but I think it’s incredibly enriching. And I think it’s something that should be, especially when it comes to marketing, we are all very much shaped the same way. And I think it’s very enriching to have different backgrounds, different views, different experiences, even people coming from different jobs because ultimately, connecting with agents. I mean, journalists could be excellent marketeers in some areas, and you have a lot of things and experiences that can help enrich the way we approach the discipline.
Kyler Canastra 30:04
Completely. I think that’s so important. Like diversity, and also just knowing that you can learn so much from other people with different backgrounds, and especially like training and formation. And I think it’s really cool. And now we’re talking about what companies need to do to be successful. But we’re curious to know a bit more about what you do maybe like a daily habit, or something that you like an exercise you do, or something that helps you stay productive and kind of help you with your success?
Bertrand Serrano 30:30
So I think curiosity is fundamental. But curiosity but also caring for… going one step beyond. I think, for instance, that that Coca thing with with Ronaldo that happened a couple of weeks ago. I think it was super interesting, because everybody had a point of view and we saw many, many things. It was super easy to say, Hey, the share of coke dropped. And this is all because of Ronaldo. But actually, if you dig a little bit deeper, you understand that no, it’s not. And that it’s always a little bit more complicated than we like to say it is. And I think you need to be curious. But you need to have the will to go a little bit deeper so that you actually understand and you can take something out of it and learn something out of it and apply something out of it. Rather than just saying, Hey, this is why we need huge influencers cause this is what they do. No, it’s not the case. And so I think, I think curiosity is: look outside. And I chose a reference business, but look outside in terms of art, in terms of culture, in terms of anything and care for other things than your daily job. This is something, this is a richness that you bring in your job. And I think it’s super important.
Kyler Canastra 32:10
It’s kind of like a theme I’ve seen a lot, like among a lot of marketers, especially content creators, it’s this like relentless passion to learn, and to be curious. And that’s kind of I think the most successful people I’ve encountered have been people who are really willing to like, deep dive into different topics and kind of learn more about other things that may not even impact them directly. But keeping that awareness, and having that like will or desire to research and learn and become an expert in a certain topic, or a certain area. It’s something that’s so important in our field.
Bertrand Serrano 32:39
Yes. And I think we ultimately, we talk to people. Our job is talking to people. So being curious about people about what they do, what they care about, what society is, where it is going, what are the tensions that are seeing, the way we behave, is something that you actually need to be a good marketer. You need to be curious. If you’re not curious, you’re missing out on some of the biggest aspects of our job.
Kyler Canastra 33:10
One hundred percent. And that’s kind of why this podcast exists, right? I think, from one end from our company, I think it was really important for us to like, be able to talk and meet people in who are working in the field and different, you know, industries to learn from them. But also to share this information with all the listeners that we have. I think that’s really cool, because people are tuning in. And every week you have someone that’s, you know, yeah, they work in marketing, but they’re from a different country, they have a different experience, they have done different things in their lives, that really resonate with people and kind of expands your mind. So it’s kind of cool that you say that, because it’s kind of like a philosophy that drives the podcast, I think, is curiosity and learning from one another.
Bertrand Serrano 33:47
For sure. And I think it’s an amazing initiative to, I mean, looking at the diversity of people you’ve had in the show and the different experiences that they’ve shared. I think it’s both humbling to be part of this and super interesting to go through it.
Kyler Canastra 34:08
That’s great to hear and for me, obviously, it’s a great job because I’m literally connecting from my home. Every week I get to meet all these really cool people. So it’s really fun. I love it. And like you said, I like to talk to people and get to know them. So it’s been really great. And in terms of other recommendations, cause people really like to know if you have any like apps or tools or platforms or books that you really enjoyed or have impacted you. You talked about your role model before, your inspiration. Bu anything else in terms of…
Bertrand Serrano 34:35
So I don’t think I would be very consistent. If I were, if I was saying yeah, sure I use the latest app or whatever, even though I think you need to be curious and you need to, I mean, I downloaded Clubhouse. I looked at how it works and and all of that but I think the daily routine for me is so keeping my head out, making sure that I do anything else. Kids are super helpful. So have kids, it’s a great thing to keep your head out. And more seriously, I think, making sure you get the basics, right. We love to believe that we are inventing new stuff. A lot of people have done a lot of great work before us, that we can take and apply or evolve. And I think reading, like, reading “The Long and the Short of it.” Reading “How Brands Grow.” Reading all these, like references is already securing a solid 2/3 of what your job is about. And it’s freeing up your mind actually. Because if you get these right, and you know how it works, this is done. You can then focus on the rest and so I think, I would recommend to make sure that you tick these boxes because it’s it’s an easy win. And then you can focus on the rest.
Kyler Canastra 36:18
Fantastic. And hopefully you can add this podcast to your list of recommendations after we finish.
Bertrand Serrano 36:24
Totally. That’s part of the curiosity.
Kyler Canastra 36:27
Yeah, it’s part of the curiosity. So we’ve come to the end of our interview, unfortunately. And I want to first thank you again for sharing your insights. It was really interesting to hear from you and to hear about your experience, whether it be at VERSUS or at Dannon. And it’s been really a great conversation. But I also wanted to ask if you have any final takeaways or pieces of advice that you want to give our audience before we sign off?
Bertrand Serrano 36:52
I think I think we covered almost everything.
Kyler Canastra 36:56
Be curious.
Bertrand Serrano 36:57
Yeah, so again, and but otherwise, I’d just say seize any opportunity. Let yourself… give yourself the freedom of trying stuff that you don’t think or you’re not sure you’re up for because more often than not, it turns out that it works perfectly well and we’re lucky enough to be at a moment in time where you’re not defined by one job for your entire life. So explore, do more things because as an individual, it will enrich you and in the workplace, it will become a strength.
Kyler Canastra 37:40
For sure. That’s a great piece of advice and if anyone wants to like follow you on like any social media or any way to connect?
Bertrand Serrano 37:48
I’m very bad at that, very bad at that.
Kyler Canastra 37:51
At least you’re being honest. Transparency is important.
Bertrand Serrano 37:53
I’m on LinkedIn. I I’ve been on Twitter for like 10 years, but I’m, I’m a very… I’m a stalker. I don’t post much. I read a lot, but I don’t post much. I guess LinkedIn is the safest place.
Kyler Canastra 38:08
The safest best. Yeah, for sure. Well, again, thank you so much Bertrand for sharing your insights with us today. And thanks everyone for listening in. As always, for more perspectives on the content marketing industry in Europe, check out And keep tuning in to the podcast for more interviews with content experts. So we’ll see you next time. Thanks again.
Bertrand Serrano 38:28
Thanks for having me.
Transcribed by