Here is a transcript generated by of The Content Mix podcast interview with VeraContent’s Shaheen Samavati and Kyler Canastra, on creating content at scale:
Kyler Canastra 0:13
Hi, everyone. Thanks for tuning in. I’m Kyler canasta.
Shaheen Samavati 0:17
And I’m Shaheen Samavati. We’re your hosts of the content mix Podcast. Today we’re going to be talking about creating content at scale.
Kyler Canastra 0:24
So what do we mean by content at scale? basically creating a lot of content at once. And that very content we work with clients produce hundreds of pieces of content every month, and are constantly publishing across a wide variety of platforms.
Shaheen Samavati 0:39
Why are they creating so much content you might ask? Well, on a single channel, publishing more than a few times a week would probably be overkill, but our clients are often publishing on several channels. And these channels can often be market specific, but there can also be multiple channels per market because they represent different brands or content initiatives they have going on.
Kyler Canastra 0:58
And we have a lot of experience working on some very complex content operations. So today, Shaheen and I are going to be sharing some of our top tips. For those of you looking to scale up your content creation.
Shaheen Samavati 1:09
With so many moving parts, the key to creating a lot of content and doing it well is having airtight processes. We recently talked about the importance of having a strong editing process, which is one of the key processes. But there’s a lot more to it than that.
Kyler Canastra 1:23
Yeah. to detail, and I guess to get the ball rolling, I’m going to ask you what are the main processes that need to be established to manage content creation at scale?
Shaheen Samavati 1:36
I think of it as kind of being in four parts, first of all, talent selection. So finding the right people for your projects, and having always having the right people in hand, and then managing their availabilities for them to take on the assignments. So I’m talking about the writers than the content creators who are actually doing the work. And then there’s the part of managing the content calendar. So that involves content planning, creation, editing, and publishing. And then there’s everything to do with like feedback, quality control and implementing best practices. So yeah, there’s several parts of the process. And everything comes together to be able to like consistently put out excellent quality and large amounts of content,
Kyler Canastra 2:23
for sure. So all these processes play an important role. And they come together, kind of like the engine of the car, getting all the pieces together to make it all work and go smoothly.
Shaheen Samavati 2:32
Exactly. I think that like, like, when people think about content creation, a lot of times they think about, like the challenge being finding the right people. But I think that that’s not the biggest challenge. It’s like, there’s a lot of writers out there. But it’s like, I think it’s having like super clear processes in place, having every instruction super clear for those writers having the criteria for what kind of writers you need for what kind of projects and having that all, like really defined is, is essential for being able to create content on a consistent basis.
Kyler Canastra 3:08
Exactly. By making it clear to like having clear expectations from the beginning and making sure that every person involved in the process knows their role and what they have to do in order to produce the content needed. Exactly.
Shaheen Samavati 3:21
Yeah. So well, on the talent selection side of it. I mean, maybe you can talk a little bit Kyler on how we, how we do talent selection, and how do we how we choose writers?
Kyler Canastra 3:33
Yeah, I definitely think this part of the whole process is quite can be quite overwhelming for people, because it’s so much you have so much variety, in terms of picking talent, especially nowadays, online, for example, I think a lot of people are gonna be stressed because it’d be overwhelming. They have so many different, you know, work samples and different profiles to look through. So how do you start, and I think it’s really important to test the writers first and their competencies to make sure that they’re the right fit for the project. So you can depending on how much time you have, there’s so many different factors that could be involved in this process. And it could impact how you go about this. But I do think it’s important to have some sort of application process when looking for a right talent for a project. So you could be a bit more relaxed and ask them to send you work samples, for example of writing samples from previous event previous work published, or have they done work for different clients like that, looking at their their experience in the resume. I think that’s like a basic, I mean, I would do across the board before even hiring any ones for any project because I think that’s like essentials, to make sure that they are competent in the area that you need and also have good writing and good style and experience in the field. And then a lot of times I think it’s very common practice and probably an easy practice is that if you are already working on the project, you can give the this new writer in this case, a test assignment. So basically it’s like taking an assignment they already have which is a real assignment that you’re going to produce as a team, and having them work on part of it, and then evaluating that with an experienced editor. So usually you’d have people already working on the project who are editing, right, to me, that’s the whole, we love quality of our content. So for us, it’s important to always have an editor and that editor, someone that you trust, they can evaluate the writings, it’s kind of like taking a real world situation and using it as a test. And it’s really helpful to to see how they work and how they perform right in this situation. And also, you can see how much time is dedicated to it. And kind of all their style choices, you can take those things into consideration, while you evaluate them to see if they’re a good fit. And then if you don’t have assignments available to like, say it’s a new project, and you’re trying to onboard 10 people at once a lot a good time, a good way of doing that would be making a fake assignment. So kind of having, you know, taking a real world context, a real world situation and then making just like making it making it up so that you can kind of send it out as like a test for the different writers to do. And that way you can evaluate. So it depends you have different options when it comes to testing writers for competencies, but I think those are like the main, I think the minimum definitely is work samples, evaluating their experience, but then you can also do like tests, assignments and different ways that will help you see how they actually perform with the assignment itself.
Shaheen Samavati 6:24
Yeah, I mean, we always ask for a combination of work samples, and we do a test assignment before we start at, like before we approve someone to work on projects regularly with us. And I think like the limitation with work samples is that oftentimes, especially if they’ve been published, on a major platform, it’s usually been edited by someone else. So it’s not always the best example of their own work. So it’s necessary to like assign them something to see how they really work. And also, you’re seeing not only the quality of their writing, but also how how they interact with you how professional they are, how fast they get back to you, and all that all of that, which is super important for your work exactly.
Kyler Canastra 7:03
It’s like you kind of get a sense of the person and who they are. So for your communications with them how they perform on the assignment. But I also think like, these assignments, like using a test assignment is really important as well, because it gives people the opportunity to grow as well. So say you might assign a writer that they make make some mistakes or things that you don’t like or style choices that you don’t agree with. But you might see like, oh, they have room to grow with this project. So it’s kind of like you’re giving people a better opportunity to showcase what they can do. It may not be 100%, perfect, but you see potential with that person, they give them feedback. And you know that after maybe two more assignments, they’ll be getting it nearly every time. So I think it’s a fair way of evaluating people to giving them an opportunity to actually perform, rather than just sending us more examples.
Shaheen Samavati 7:50
Absolutely, yeah. And I think like a common question that comes up when you’re giving out fake assignments, because like you said, sometimes you just don’t have a real assignment at the moment. And you need to onboard people for a project that maybe hasn’t started yet, or you don’t have the specifications for yet. So when sending out like a test assignment, a fake one, it there’s this debate about like whether you should pay the person for that, because it’s not something that’s going to be used, and you’re not going to make any money off of it, basically. And our policy has been to at least offer like a token amount for for those assignments. Because obviously it’s a it is time you’re asking the person to take and freelancers I mean, if you want the freelancer to prioritize your test assignment, you need to usually offer them something. Of course, there’s also the promise of getting a lot more work from you.
Kyler Canastra 8:38
If there’s exactly. Yeah, I think it’s important with that to be clear from the beginning. So you can be like, you know, this might be the rate we’re offering you for this test assignment. But like, if everything goes well, like you’d be making this much for every assignment, and we could offer you more work, and then making sure you stand by that as well. But like you said, I think it’s your, you’re asking people to take time for you. So I think, unfortunately, time is money. That’s just how it is. And I think it’s a fair gesture to do by giving them a little bit money to do an assignment as well.
Shaheen Samavati 9:13
And then, you know, we’re working with multilingual projects. So how does this process differ? If it’s, if you’re dealing with someone who’s, you know, working in a language that you don’t speak yourself? What are the?
Kyler Canastra 9:27
That’s a great question. I get that we get asked that all the time. And I think when I was a project manager, and when I started doing more multilingual projects like this was I mean, that’s kind of stressed me out at the beginning, because I hadn’t had an experience like working with German, for example, I don’t speak any German. So it was like stressful for me to you know, be managing a project that I’m not 100% sure about, like what how the language skills are and how what we’re producing is up to par, etc. So this does come up a lot. And it definitely is a very valid concern. But I think what we realized at Vera content is That like, it’s like a chicken and egg situation. So it’s like you having trusted editors on your team already is so essential to this that work in those languages. So like having people that can that you trust that can evaluate and provide you the feedback in your language. So in this case, for me, most likely being English. And I think that’s so essential. So but it’s hard, though, because that’s, I think, Shaheen, you have experience with this, too, like building a company? Like how do you have good editors when you don’t speak that language? But I think a lot of it is, I think it’s something really important to keep in mind is that like, language is a barrier here. But there’s things that like a good writer does that it doesn’t matter what language you’re writing in. So I think like, evaluating those competencies as well, is important. So yes, obviously having an editor there to tell you like, Hey, this is good. This is not good. It’s important, but I think like you can see, for example, how thorough someone is when an assignment, you know, how much time have they spent on it? Have they could take into consideration the the tone and style considerations that you shared with them beforehand? Yeah, I think that like just like, have they gone through it. And you can even look at like, if we’re working on a Google Doc, for example, you can see track changes, which I think I mean, not all writers will don’t prefer to work in Google Doc, they usually just copy and paste it after. But still, you can look at things like that to see like how much time they spent. And if you’ve taken your consideration, like all your specifications that you put in the brief, and kept them in mind while doing the project. But I also think like their feedback, if they have feedback for you about the project, or your editor has feedback for them how receptive they are to that feedback, I think it’s really important to keep like, I think that it shows you kind of what kind of person the professional this person is. And if I think it’s important that if you’re running a big content production, you have to have a feedback system. We’ll talk about that more later. But I think it’s having people who are very open to feedback and willing to implement that is, like important, and that’s universal. I also think like, if you ask them questions, so that you’d have an editor to ask, maybe your trusted editor in that one language, asked him some questions about choices they made, and their responses. And the responses itself, if they’re thorough, and very, like, they explained themselves very well and show that they have a lot of decision making that’s going behind in their process. I think that’s another really big important factor for just show if someone’s a good writer or not, regardless of if you speak the language.
Shaheen Samavati 12:31
Right? Yeah. So you might not be able to really judge exactly their output that they’re grading, but it’s easy. There are easy ways to tell if the person is a professional. And like if they’re following processes. Well, if their communication is good, if they’re able to explain the the decisions they made in their writing, and like you were saying, yeah, it is a chicken and egg situation, like you need to have an established editing team before you can fully 100% Be confident and putting consistently putting out great content in a language. And that’s what we do it at Vera, we’re very good at certain languages that we’ve built up teams for and we’re not so good at other languages. And we were honest about that. We don’t do Thai, for example, or there’s a lot of languages we don’t do, because we don’t have an editing team built for that. And it’s something that like, yeah, it’s, it’s a building that edited editing team in the beginning is difficult because you if you don’t have anyone yet, you have to take a chance on the first people. But then once you’ve built that up, and you have people that have consistently put out great work, you can feel confident. So but that is part of what’s like the complexity of working on multilingual project. And that’s why people hire us, because it is a it is a an entire operation to have all the team put in place for every language. Yeah, no, for sure.
Kyler Canastra 13:59
I don’t think so. But you, like hold you back? I guess. I think a lot of people are gonna be like, I don’t want to do it, because I don’t speak the language. And it’s not just that, I think it’s much more that goes into process.
Shaheen Samavati 14:10
Yeah, absolutely. And I think if it is only a couple of like, if you are having an in house team, and you want to expand just into one or two more languages, it’s totally possible to do your own internal team as well. Just following some best practices the same way you would build a team for for the first language, evaluating people based on their professionalism based on their work samples. And, yeah, based on the amount of feedback that they’re able to give you about, about how they work that you’re confident enough to trust them to, to be a writer on your project. Now, we’re
Kyler Canastra 14:45
talking a lot about trust. So I think that’s really important in this process as well. Making sure you can trust the people that you’re working with. And especially nowadays, I think a lot of writers are working remote so you’re never going to meet these people in real life. So I think trust is like the key to having successful content production. With that being said, I think a lot of trust is built by people making like by having your team being available, and knowing that you can rely on them in certain hours at certain times, or they’re really good with deadlines. So I guess in your experience thinking, like, how do you manage availability and the content or how she’s, what the what the best practices that we have to manage availability of a team?
Shaheen Samavati 15:25
Yeah, so Well, I mean, yeah, that’s, that’s definitely like a challenge of, especially for a business like ours, where we have a lot of variability in the, in the volume of projects that we have, because we’re working with a lot of different clients high volume different some weeks, we have a lot more work than others. And I think it’s probably not as much of a challenge if you have a very consistent content calendar, where you’re doing the same thing every week. So you can, you know, have the same writers always available working on the same projects. But if you do have variability, and new projects coming in from new clients, for example, then you Yeah, it’s really important to, I mean, obviously, we have our certain writers assigned to certain projects that are available for those. But when we do need more people, sometimes a lot of people at the same time for a new project. That means we don’t really keep up to date, our what we call our talent database. And that is, it’s basically a database of profiles of people that we’ve pre selected. Because we, yeah, they had good work samples, some of them have already done a test assignments, we have like different levels of approval within our talent database. And then we have a I mean, one of the fields that they haven’t included, is their general availability, and they have to, and we prompt them to update that on a regular basis, so that we always had an idea of who might be available for which project, but it is a game of matching the right people to the right project at the right time. And then we also have what we call Retainer freelancers, which are people who work with us on a regular basis. And as well as like in house editors. So these people are, yeah, or are available all the time, or have a large availability for us to be able to jump in on on diverse projects.
Kyler Canastra 17:21
And they usually have a lot more experience a lot of different, like projects and stuff like that. So it’s helpful to have when they’re available, if they have wide availability, they can jump in on certain things and help, because it’s good to have like a combination of the two, to ensure that you always have people there for you when you need them.
Shaheen Samavati 17:37
Absolutely. So another super important element of the entire content creation process is making great briefs. So Kyler maybe you could share what you think makes a great brief.
Kyler Canastra 17:49
Yes, because a great brief is very, very important. If you have a bad brief, you’re already starting off the project on the wrong foot. A brief is essential in any process, because it’s how you’re setting expectations for what you want out of the writing, in this case. One thing that’s really important, even before going into the content itself, is having a brief that’s well organized and very easy to follow. So by that I mean using bullet points when you think it’s appropriate. Sometimes I’ve received briefs when I was writing in the past that were like novels, you had to read paragraphs and paragraphs. And a lot of times, in my situation, I had other assignments to be doing, you know, so I just want the most essential information in the easiest way to digest. So that way I can get started with the project. So for me, when I was making briefs, it was very important to have a clear format, use bullet points, use links and make sure it’s visually pleasing. Because if someone opens a brief and it’s a long novel, like I said before, they’re not going to be motivated. It really turns you off in a way. So I think having a very well organized brief is essential. That’s why they call it a brief. It should be short, people forget that. Including myself from time, I’m a victim of that. But yeah, and I think another important factor for a good brief is that it really defines what specifications are important for the project. And always including those. So whether it be style specifications, it could be content expectations, it could be certain words that you should use, you shouldn’t use. Now a lot of times what we do in tandem with all of our projects at VeraContent is have a style guide that we are always working on and always adding more information as we get to know a client. So in this case I would link that style guide this, for example, so they have that handy. But I think it’s really important to include the main specifications, so it could be word count, language, format on how it should be presented. You know, sometimes you may have a brief that was going to require you to write in certain sections or use headlines, stuff like that. So it’s important to keep those specifications in mind as well. And also SEO is important. So if you have SEO keywords, include them as a list in the briefs is importan, anything that you want included should be made like very clear and also probably at the beginning of the brief. Another thing that’s helpful is supporting resources. So making sure that you have any, if it requires research for the writer to do, kind of pointing them in the right direction. So you might have certain sources that you trust, certain articles that you’ve read and think are important and relevant for the piece of content you’re working on. Anything that can help them. And that also includes previous examples. So if you’ve been working on this project for a while, or have different things already produced or published online that can serve as a reference for the writer, that’s super important, or if you have a blog article that you read that inspired you for this project. I think it’s important to include examples of what you’re looking for, because that really sets the tone. And I don’t mean that in any way, but does set the tone for like what you’re looking for, and they can write a good writer is able to channel that and understand that and reproduce it. And then I also think having the making sure you include the right level of detail. Because a lot of times you might have, you might have all these ideas in your head, and you just assume that someone can read your mind or like this, understand everything that you’re thinking about. But that’s not true. So it’s really important that like, you can be as specific as possible, which kind of goes back to my first point, which is like you can include all the details that you want, but make sure that it’s not like, overwhelmingly there. So that’s why like, using lists and bullet points is super helpful. So you can kind of transmit a lot of information, but you don’t have to like bog the writer down with like a very heavy and disorganized brief. So you can include a lot of information, but you can be concise and present it in a beautiful, well, visually pleasing way. So I think there’s a lot of aspects to make your brief but I think those are the key key factors that you need to keep in mind.
Shaheen Samavati 22:19
I absolutely agree the debrief is like so important in that in the process. It’s like a key point where you’re transmitting what needs to be done to the writer and it’s your chance to, to be really specific and clear. And the more clear you can be in your instructions, the better the results, you’re going to be with less back and forth.
Kyler Canastra 22:39
Now, I think another part of any being organized is clearly something that’s like coming up a lot. And being organized in your brief is important, but also being organized in how you set up the projects in terms of how you plan the content is also very important. Especially when you have a lot of different people on like working on the same project, it’s really important to have like a content calendar. In this case, it’s very well, like detailed and visually pleasing. Everyone can work on it. So I wanted to ask you Shaheen like what are what’s the best way that you can set up a content calendar? And like what tools do you have you used in the past? Or any tips you have for that?
Shaheen Samavati 23:15
Yeah, I think I mean, the basic concept of setting up a content calendar is pretty simple. It’s just you need to have different stages. And you need to know the status of each assignment and each of the stages. And you need to be able to see who it’s assigned to. And you know, where they are, like where they are in terms of status on the project. So like, there’s a lot of different tools you could use to do this. The most basic is to use a spreadsheet, and spreadsheets still work fine. Of course, it depends. Like the more we’re talking about creating content at scale. So I mean, if it’s a huge project, there’s definitely benefits to using more sophisticated software. There’s like dedicated tools you could you could use that are specifically for content calendars that look very beautiful. You can also use project management software, which often is very similar in terms of having like the possibility to visualize and carryover cards and things like that. So I mean, it’s kind of up to you to decide which tool works best for your team. Maybe you already have project management tools that you use in your company. But yeah, the important thing is that everyone knows how to use the tools. Everyone knows what information needs to be input on each assignment and that everyone is updating the calendar. And that whoever’s managing project has an overview of everything that’s going on and can see where each piece of content is in the process. And then of course, it’s that person’s responsibility to to plan certain amounts of time like we often work on a monthly basis. So it’s setting up a calendar in advance. In our case, we need approval from the client on the calendar. If it’s your own calendar, Have, you might even turn internal approval. So setting up an approval process is also often part of this process. So that’s kind of like the high level of how to set up a content calendar. And of course, every, it really depends on the channels that you’re using whether you want to put things on one calendar have separate calendars for each channel. And I mean, best practice is to have a different calendar, if it’s like, for example, if you want to have for your social media have certain content, maybe for your blog, you might create another another calendar, for example. But like you said, the key is keeping everything organized. So everyone knows what’s going on at all times.
Kyler Canastra 25:45
I think it’s a really useful tool. And in terms of giving your team independence, I think as well, because I think it might sound like very micromanaging that we’re having like this whole calendar and planning stage and updating, but I think it gives your, your team a lot of independence, because they’re able to update those stages and the assignment statuses themselves. And they know that like, you don’t have to be on top of them essentially. So not only does it give them more independence and autonomy in the project, but also allows you to do more things with your time. So you don’t have to, you know, obviously checking in on writers it’s going to be done, you just have a very clear system established that they can update their own statuses there. So I think it’s really helpful.
Shaheen Samavati 26:27
So speaking of that, maybe you could talk a little bit about how to make communication easier with your content team.
Kyler Canastra 26:32
Yeah. So this is a very open ended question where there’s so many different ways to communicate with your team. But I think probably the thing you should always keep in mind is that you need to make yourself available somehow. So I think when the beginning of the project, making it clear on how the person can communicate with you, so whether whether you’re using email, for example, or our slack as another like communication tool, it doesn’t matter which one you use, but I think it’s just as important so that your team knows when you’re available, and how they can get in touch with you. So that’s key. And I also think depending on the tool, the tool depends on like what kind of project it is, as well. So if it’s, say it’s like, blog post writing, and you’re doing a blog, a monthly blog, I don’t know if you need instant communication with everyone on the project, because it’s not like, a lot of the things are gonna be urgent, you have time to plan, you can kind of communicate in a more relaxed manner. And I think you could use email for very, that’s a very easy tool to use. And it’s also a good way to keep track of everything. And it’s pretty standard. But if you’re working on a project that, you know, if you’re doing content production for an unknown brand that has like a lot of quick turnover in terms of news or announcements, press all these different things, you might need to have a more quick a quicker solution. So like using slack, or any other instant messaging tool could be helpful for that because he might need to make decisions in a more timely manner. Rather than like on the blog management example. You don’t have to It’s not like urgent that you make a decision about the blog before it gets published, you have more flexibility in terms of urgency and deadlines. So I think it’s it’s important, like I said, to set the standard like to set the expectation in the beginning being like, hey, team, I’m going to be available this many days a week at this certain amount of time, or I checked my email, once an hour. So I hopefully get back to you within this time, just making that clear, is super important, because it also shows that you’re willing and available to help.
Shaheen Samavati 28:31
Absolutely, we we actually have a resource available on our website that’s about hiring, onboarding and nurturing relationships with freelancers. So we can put a link to that in the blog posts that’s associated with
Kyler Canastra 28:46
that definitely helpful. Yeah,
Shaheen Samavati 28:49
it goes into a bit more detail about Yeah, establishing great relationships with freelancers and how to make assignments and all those kinds of things
Kyler Canastra 28:55
isn’t important, I think, especially the relationship aspect. Like I think it gets over seen a lot. But I think like, you know, by being clear, and you know, writing good briefs and building that trust, and making sure you’re available, really goes a long way when it comes to managing freelancers, and because you want them to be invested in the project just as much as you are. So I think by showing your dedication, your commitment to it, which can be expressed through organization, and I don’t know commitment and availability, that goes a long way to having successful having successful relationships with the writers but also having successful project.
Shaheen Samavati 29:31
Yeah, and we were talking before about like Vera, we kind of have, I mean, we have our in house project management team in house editors, but then we work with a ton of freelance writers a very large number of them. And they’re such an important part of our team because they’re the ones producing the content. And I think making them really feel part of the team, keeping them in the loop of like what’s going on in the company, giving them training opportunities and like, yeah, just making them feel kind of to buy into like what we’re doing at the company. It’s so important because it makes them really care about their work and, and put in 100%, like, like they would have if they were a full time employee.
Kyler Canastra 30:07
Exactly. And the care does like it’s very transparent and quality of the writing as well. And I think, as a final question to help us wrap up this very interesting and important topic, I wanted to ask Shaheen, about her favorite topic, which I think is a good editing process. So I, in your opinion, do you think it’s how important is it to have a good editing process? And how do we provide ongoing feedback and implement best practices along the way?
Shaheen Samavati 30:36
Yeah, we’re gonna be talking about this part of the process being like how you kind of close the loop and make sure that you’re constantly improving. So editing, of course, is part of, well, when you’re doing the content, calendar, and the content production, it’s really important to have editing stages, of course, you need checks and balances to make sure that the work you’re putting out is consistently good. We actually did an entire episode on that topic. So definitely check out our previous previous episode. But in terms of, like, we talked a lot about in that episode, as well, like how important feedback is and how we’ve built in feedback. Processes are different stages. And, yeah, it’s like when basically when when we ask an editor to review a project, we don’t only ask them to edit and submit it, which is, I think, what a lot of agencies do. But we also ask them to give qualitative feedback, like explain to the writer the decisions that they made, so that the writer can learn from it and implement that in the future. So that’s so important in that we have like, put a regular like we require this on every single assignment. So the writers are constantly getting qualitative feedback. And we also keep track of that in a monthly report. So they can see every month like this is all the feedback you’ve got this month as a reminder to see trends and like how they can improve. And then, of course, on the bigger picture, from a project management perspective, we’re constantly at every level of the company asking for feedback from from the team. So that yeah, like the head of project management is having constantly having conversations with writers to ask them, like what what we could be doing better, and taking notes on those bringing those to meetings with project managers. So we’re able to implement that. And I think like, having that feedback loop is so important to identify where issues are and to be able to prove
Kyler Canastra 32:31
exactly, it kind of ties into our core value not to plug that in. But clear, honest communication. I think a lot of it is this, we’re very honest in the work that we do with the feedback we have. And we’re we allow everyone on the team, I think, to have a space to be honest as well. So they can share how they really feel. And that really helps us improve a lot of the processes that we have in place. But yeah, definitely check out that episode that we did, because I think we really dive into that process and know how, and showcase kind of why it’s so important, but also how it’s kind of been the driving force behind bear content.
Shaheen Samavati 33:06
I think, yeah, I talk a lot about my background as a journalist, like how important editing is in traditional journalism, and how we’ve kind of applied those values in in our editing process and how we do things. So
Kyler Canastra 33:19
definitely check it out. Now, yeah, and also definitely check out the, the resource we’re talking about that we’ve created for managing freelancers, I think that’s helpful, and we have a lot more helpful tools and resources and an interesting blog articles related to this topic on our website. So I want to thank Shaheen, again, for all her wonderful insight. And I want to thank everyone for listening in. I think these past couple episodes have been really enjoyable for Shaheen and myself, because we’re talking about things that we work on a daily basis. We’ve done a lot of work together on these things. So it’s really great to kind of flesh them out together and also share insights. But as always, for more perspectives on global content, marketing and other topics related to editing and managing freelancers, definitely check out Vera And if you’d like to get in touch with us, or if you have any interesting topic for an upcoming episode, we’re always very open to new ideas and new topics. We feel free to reach out to us at MCs at Varick And keep tuning to the podcast for more perspectives on topics related to the world of global content creation, also multilingual content creation, so we’ll see you all next time.
Shaheen Samavati 34:31
Thanks so much, everybody. See you next time.
Kyler Canastra 34:33
Bye. Bye.
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