Vibha Thusu’s entrepreneurial mindset has been key in her role as marketing communications leader for EMEA at HIMEL.

She has been working with her team to revamp the 62-year-old electronics brand—a multinational manufacturer and provider of electrical products—and update its positioning, plus find new ways of reaching the brand’s growing audience.

She cites the important role visuals play in 21st century storytelling, as social media provided a whole new space for connecting with consumers. Regularly diving deep into the details—appropriate hashtags and keywords,  facts and originality, for example—is essential, according to Vibha, to tie everything together.

In today’s episode, Vibha shares with Shaheen Samavati how she’s kept content at the core throughout her career, including her early experiences in customer support and technical writing. She offers fascinating insight on leaving her home in India to build her career in Dubai, and her latest role working on brand repositioning for Himel.

You can watch the full conversation in the video above or on YouTube, and listen to the podcast on Apple or Spotify.

Rapid-fire recs

  • Professional group: 
    • Mad Over Marketing (MoM). “It’s basically all things interesting about marketing. They’re really out there on top.”
  • Favorite app/software: 
    • LinkedIn. “Here I get industry updates, thought leadership content, influencer updates, the latest trends, etc.”
  • Learning resources:
    • HubSpot course on digital marketing and Artificial intelligence. “I think that’s the next step that content marketers have to start thinking about. We cannot ignore it.”
  • Productivity hack:
    • Working with two screens. “It helps me work on a lot of things in parallel.”
  • Source of inspiration:
    • Mark Cuban. “He’s the shark, the entrepreneur mindset.”
    • Bill Gates. “He’s the person who created the technology that we are living with today.”
    • Steve Jobs. “I don’t know who doesn’t consider him to be a role model.”

“To be honest, I’m not following the rules, I’m not following the trends. What I’m bringing to the table as a content marketer is what I would like to see and what I would do if this was my own business. Thinking from an entrepreneurial mindset is what makes all the difference. Content is the reason search began in the first place, as Lee Odden once said.”

Connect with Vibha and Shaheen on LinkedIn.

This post was edited by Jamie Albert.

For more insights into brand repositioning:

How independent eyewear brand Maui Jim stands out from the competition

Maintain your brand value as you evolve – Enrique Moreno Deckler, global brand expert

The power of brand purpose – Patrick Neyret, global director at Danone

To see the full transcript, click on page number 2 below: