With the rise of social media, we’ve seen an increase in a social media manager’s day-to-day responsibilities. Considering that social media is now one of the main ways a brand communicates with its audiences, the role of a social media manager isn’t just about posting great content—it’s about engaging audiences, making informed decisions with data, and being at the forefront of branding, crisis management and community management.

Alaric Moras, global social media strategist at Dassault Systèmes, hones in on the importance of analyzing the metrics behind social media since this marketing area is the intersection of many stakeholder concerns.

Listen in as Shaheen Samavati chats with Alaric about the various facets of social media marketing; how to effectively engage with users on social media; and the constantly-transforming algorithms on social media platforms which keep marketers like Alaric on their toes.

You can watch the full conversation in the video above or on YouTube, and listen to the podcast on Apple or Spotify.

Rapid-fire recs

  • Source of inspiration: Rokhaya Diallo. “She’s a French journalist devoted to igniting important conversations about feminism and racial issues in France. Her social media strategy is especially impressive and helps further extend her amazing ideas.” 
  • Useful book: Daring Greatly by Brené Brown. “This book can teach social media marketers how to have one of the most difficult conversations: saying a confident, well-informed ‘no’ when clients or stakeholders ask for a campaign that simply will not work.”
  • Favorite app: Sprinklr. “It’s amazing for creating reports, managing content and making comparisons week over week, month over month, or even year over year.”

“As a content marketer, you constantly need to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, which demands a lot of empathy. It’s something you need to do consistently with your audience or stakeholders, both internally and externally. It’s not something that should be taken lightly.”

Connect with Alaric and Shaheen on LinkedIn.

This post was edited by Jamie Albert, a freelance editor based in Madrid. 

For more insights into leveraging social media data:

Master data skills for content marketing

Use customer data to address pain points – Jaime Lee, head of content strategy at AdRoll

Extract data, attract talent – Solène Tatton-Brown, EMEA & APAC marketing manager

To see the full transcript, click on page number 2 below.